Do you think there's something to the "One flesh" bond for couples?

by Wasanelder Once 9 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Do you agree that there is a special bond that exists between couples who are intimate, committed and in love? Of course this would be "married" to witnoids, but what of two people in love and who are intimate and not committed? Is this perhaps part of the rationale for the "fornication" prohibition, to avoid this bond developing between noncommitted individuals and thus preventing the hurt that comes from a split? I think people can be intimate without forming such a bond, its just recreation in that case and more like candy than a beautiful, satisfying meal.

    When that bond is broken, obviously I believe there's something there , its a bitch.

    Ok, talk amongst yourselves.


  • serendipity

    When two people are intimate, there's a release of chemical(s) (forget the names) that do cause a special bond, beyond what two friends might experience.

    I think the prohibition of fornication was to prevent children from being born out of wedlock, putting both mother and child in a precarious situation, and to protect bloodlines.

  • Quandry

    Since you are a man and not a woman posting, I am assuming you are not thinking of the emotional bond that can accompany intimacy for many woman. I am sure I am not speaking about all circumstances, but generally.

    Yes, indeed, I see intimacy as making two people "one flesh." At the risk of sounding old fashioned or overly religious, I believe marriage is essential for all the reasons outlined in the Bible. O.K., I'll admit, just as outlined by the WTS. But of course they are not the only ones to believe such.

    I work in a school. If you saw the emotional devastation it causes to children when dad is not around, especially when women have many children from different men because of enjoying "recreational sex," you would feel sick inside. Sometimes I read papers that they have written about how life is not fair for them because dad is not there. I am talking about young children. Second grade. You have seen in the news the actions of older ones due to no father figure. You also know the toll on the economy of supporting children in poverty who do not have a dad.

    It causes emotional upheavel in young women who are taken in by young men's "needs" but that do not want a committed relationship. It is hard on girls when they get pregnant because they are the caregivers who then cannot finish school and must make low wages as a single mom. Many times the man walks away with no thought other than the good time he had.

    Also, from a medical standpoint, when you have sex with a person you are having sex with every person that one has ever been with. That is why there are so many stds rampant today.

    Also, the legal aspects can be bad when children are born or when the relationship turns sour and the woman is left with nothing. People need to take responsibility for their actions.Yes, realize that sex does join you to a person in a special way. Especially when children are involved, and many times of course, getting pregnant is the last thing on the participant's minds, heartache will follow.

  • FlyingHighNow

    It's magical thinking for anyone to dream there will be no "morning after" feelings after sex with someone you don't love. They are a fact of life, whether you are in denial of them or not.

  • dido

    I have been in a realtionship in marriage, and one out, and i can only speak from experience to say that i felt much more secure in the marriage. I think their is more of a bond because you have committed yourselves to be with each other. I never lived with anyone else just dated, but i never felt as strong a bond with them.

  • rebel8

    I feel a closer bond than I've ever felt with anyone else, but "one flesh"? No. We have a close bond but are not engaged in an unhealthy dependence upon each other.

    IMO, the fact that ppl married so young in bible times, coupled with a cultural pressure toward consensus and financial reliance upon others, led to the idea of "one flesh".

    My old jw friend who married when she just got out of high school and had the emotional maturity of a 13 yr old probably does feel as though she is "one flesh" with her husband. She is completely inexperienced in what it is like to be a fully independent adult, capable of caring for herself physically, financially, emotionally, socially, spiritually, etc. Between that and being in a mind control cult, she has no concept of what it means to use your mind to form an opinion about anything. She relies upon her husband and mother borg to tell her what to think and how to feel.

    It's also called "codependency".

  • dido

    I think that there is nothing better than to be in a secure relationship like marriage, in fact i wouldn`t feel 100% secure in a live-in one. i am one of those women that actually enjoy men taking the lead in things, it frees me to do what i want without all the responsibility. All these women`s rights have got it wrong, they have ended up worse off, taking on more reponsibility and work, and are more bogged down. I had a good husband, but didn`t fully appreciate him as he was an unbeliever, and the `truth` wrecked our marriage, too many divisions over too many things. We had a wonderful bond despite the religion, and children did cement it.

  • Dansk
    Do you agree that there is a special bond that exists between couples who are intimate, committed and in love?

    Absolutely! My wife is my wife (of course), my lover AND my best friend. I'm still head over heels in love with her and we have a relationship I wish every couple could experience. Claire also makes me laugh, which I really enjoy. In my experience it truly is a special bond - one I've never, ever experienced with anyone else - and one I'd dearly love to continue for ever. Given the chance again, I'd marry her in an instant!


  • zev
    Do you agree that there is a special bond that exists between couples who are intimate, committed and in love?

    yup, i'll second that.

  • AuldSoul

    I can't really respond about any couple other than the one to which I am a party. I love her dearly, I treasure her insights, I want her company even if it must be to the exclusion of the company of others, and, like Ian, if given the opportunity again I would marry her in a heartbeat.

    The only possible reason I might hesitate in marrying her is I am not entirely certain I would burden her with me, I'm not sure she deserves such travail.


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