Shattered Lives—The Watchtower Trauma and your Healing Process

by The wanderer 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    They should do plenty of reading on the history and behaviour of the WTS and they will no doubt realise that it is a cult not worth supporting or associating with. Also socialise with ex dubs who went suceessfully through the experience even if only online.

  • esw1966

    My desire the whole time was to have a relationship with God.

    We didn't go to church as a child and I wanted to go. Soon my parents, in 1975, began studying with jw's. I had been a jw from 9 to 39.

    I was on my own, disfellowshipped and divorced without friends or family for chatting online. I sought out truth so that I would never get myself into that mess again.

    My search brought me to an unexpected place - JW's were wrong and unchristian! I listened to many different religious podcasts to find out the beliefs of others.

    I took my first belief that love was all important. Then I took on that Jesus was the answer to Christianity. Soon, I was agreeing with different Christian churches in town. (I had moved OUT of my home state and now live 1500 miles away!)

    Now, I am getting involved at Cornwall Church and I LOVE it!!! I have never been happier and my life is filled with JOY and LOVE! I do camera work, men's breakfast meetings, small groups, etc.!!!

    As time progresses I get more and more convinced that jw's are on the wrong path and on a path to destruction. I am SO FREE now!!

    I feel VERY fortunate to have gotten out and I encourage all to find God at a good community church. You will be so happy you did. Just hold on, do not give up, know that it will take some time. I read MANY books on religion and listen to religious podcasts constantly. I now LOVE to listen to Christian Praise music! (I used to HATE it!) My life is filled with positive things, love and joy! Something I NEVER had as a jw. I do not feel that any at the hall had joy, just a facade of happiness.

    Stick with it. Search. Pray. Seek. You WILL find God. He DOES love you. He WILL guide you! NEVER give up on him just because you were misled by wolves in sheeps clothing! Realize that the past brought you to where you are now and do not feel guilt or shame or embarrassment on the past, you did the best you could at the time with what you knew then.

    send me a note if you have questions...

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