I'm lovin' it.
2007 YEAR TEXT: (Zephaniah 1:14) 14 The great day of Jehovah is near.
by What-A-Coincidence 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The great day of Jehovah is near.
oh no, not again!
Black Sheep
Yeartext 1999 “Look! Now is the day of salvation.”—2 Corinthians 6:2.
This is our yeartext for 1999. It highlights the grand opportunity now open to humankind. It also implies the need for prompt action. As Jehovah’s Witnesses, we have the privilege of helping people to see the opportunity and to take the needed action quickly.
It's been a long day.
This reminds me of the good old days in Alaska. Alaska Air Lines was proud of their record of being the airlines with the fewest late departures and arrivals. To them, being 45 minutes late was right on time! Me thinks they used Eskimo watches...
I went to the CA yesterday. In the last talk, the guy said, "You'll be very encouraged to hear the yeartext for 2007. And no, I'm not going to tell you. You'll just have to wait and see."
You could practically hear the gasps from the peanut gallery.
Speaking of which, the Borg's representative is now introduced as "a representative of Jehovah's Witnesses." Huh? How the heck does that make any sense? How can you...be a rep of witnoids....when the audience is full of them. They can really count on people not to notice, I guess.
It sounds like a 1969 Fred Franz reprint. "The end is near again . . . part 137."
AK - Jeff
It must be true then, based on these relevant thoughts in the Watchtower regarding that text;
These facts are not here called to attention to paralyze you into fearful inactivity, but rather to awaken you to the significance of the times, the rare privilege that can be yours and the most profitable manner of using the remaining time. Of all the times that one might have lived, certainly this is the most blessed, notwithstanding the trials now afflicting humankind. We are living at the climax of the ages, when a corrupt world is in its death throes and a bright new world, with growing power, is crowding wickedness into a corner, there to crush it and rid the earth of it forever. ‘The great day of the LORD hasteth greatly,’ warned the prophet Zephaniah (1:14) As it comes on apace, let us not be found among the scoffers who push the end into the remote future saying, "Perhaps sometime, but not in our day!" Such a group has lived upon this earth in the past.
Did I mention that this quote was from the 2/15/1950 Watchtower? Prophetic speculation must be a repetitious habit?
he said since "the message" has gotten "harder" it's clear the end is so very close.
That's right... the end of the WTS.
“The great day of Jehovah is near
Now then, is it just around the corner, right front of us, or so close we can touch it?