When's the last time you went to the Kingdom Hall?

by JH 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • 95stormfront

    Dang....how can you stand it? Your avatar does indeed say it all.

    I only go to the memorials as a courtesy to my wife. I don't think I could stand any more than that.

    I was getting ready for work this morning and I could barely stomach the title of a WT article I know my wife intentionally left out for me to see, When someone leaves jehovah.....or something like that.

    I think the article has already been picked apart on the board somewhere as the guilt inducing trash it's title suggest it is.

  • Kenneson

    In 1966 and hopefully never again.

  • chiddy

    Last meeting was sometime late 94 last D/A 95 never been back the hell NO !

  • pmouse


  • Annie Over
    Annie Over

    feb 2005

  • zanex

    hmmm the last time I ever set foot in a kh wa the night of my df'ing...ahhh memories...that cigarette tasted GREAT walking out...i think that was the last memory of a cigarette i have ever had...had to be ummmm 92?...long time ago...thankfully...


  • Skimmer

    My last visit was sometime in 1973, but I can't recall the exact date.

  • Athanasius

    The last time I attended the KH as a JW was in 1984. However, in 1988 my aunt's memorial service was held at a KH and I attended the service. Since then I've visited several KHs as a non-JW, which is much more fun. But the last time I was in a KH was for Memorial 2004. Told the JWs that I was an Episcopalian doing research on the JW religion for a comparative religion class. The JWs were very friendly and did their usual love-bombing, probably counting it on their time slips. Not surprisingly I was the only one partaking of the bread and wine. Don't know if they counted me as one of the Remnant though.

  • VM44

    Hi athanasius,

    "Don't know if they counted me as one of the Remnant though."

    Probably not. I was in a hall where the elders every year did not count one "sister" who claimed to be of the anointed and partook of the emblems, and based upon the woman's non-Christian behavior and attitude the elders did the correct thing in not counting her.

    So the elders in congregations make the determination as to the number of anointed partakers to report to the Society.


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