Wow, thanks for the info and update on the new dogma, kids. It's been a while since I have attended a meeting... decades, in fact. WooHOOOoooo!!!
A generation that lasts 2,000 years? Yeah, that'll work. Phhhhht.
No, really, it means THIS generation will by no means pass away...
by BabaYaga 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
A scriptural generation is 40 years. That was how Jehovah viewed the generation that he said would die off in the desert during Israel's wanderings after the exodus. Can't recall the exact scripture but there is a specific reference to all men between the age of 20 and 60. Also, the end of the Jewish system of things in 70c.e. came 37.5 years after Jesus pronouncements on the mount of olives. So from Jesus own point of view and that of his listeners, a 'generation' is 40 years max. So Brother Russell had this right all along, as this is one of the the bases upon which he arrived at the dates 1874 and 1914; he just applied the right key to the wrong keyhole. It is not the 'generation' that Jesus referred to that is wrong, it is the date the Society attaches it to; but since so much WTS doctrine revolves around the 1914 date the Society chose to fudge Jesus own words rather than dump their false date.
And more importantly, WELCOME to the forum, Will2Power!!! We're glad you're here. -
Star Moore
Wow, I really liked your points about with Moses in the wilderness it was 40 YEARS
And with Jesus it was less than 40 YEARS ...
What good thoughts... !!!!!!!!