The Greatest Attack Upon Family Life
“Evil creations from hell…all manner of abominations are entering into the homes of your nation and the countries throughout the World. It will be an absolute necessity now for all parents to act as a director, a leader in the homes. The greatest attack from Satan shall be upon family life. If you break down the family, you will break down the nation. “
“My children, I cry too, bitter tears of remorse for what we see now happening in your world, the earth. Man is plunging fast to the brink of his own destruction. There is no place for men to hide from what shall come upon him.’’
“It is well, children of the earth, that you spend now your time in prayer and penance. Many shall die soon. Many shall die without the opportunity to make amends for the salvation of his soul. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer now…going throughout your world and your country.’’ March 15, 1978
The Immaculate Mother of JesusHer appearance, (Bayside, New York)GUARD YOUR YOUTH!
“My children, guard the youth. Protect your family now, and you will not have your heart torn in the near future. There is much discord now, My children. We observe in family life a disunity which is not good. There must be discipline by the father and the mother. Faith shall be your beacon. Faith shall make you victorious. Believe, and you will be given the way.” September 13, 1978
Jesus Christ with the Immaculate Mother, March 18, 1989. "My parent of the world, I say unto you, as your God: This will not be tolerated much longer. For if you parents will not raise your children in the light, you will raise them in darkness, and they will eventually rise up and even kill you. There are many satanic institutions throughout the world now that are waiting for your children. Are you going to allow them to fall into their hands because you are too busy elsewhere to watch your children? Are you turning them over to the satanic tube, the television? Yes, My Children they are learning to kill by the television. They are learning disrespect for their parents. They laught at you when you are not watching. That my children of the world-parents, your children are to be lost.
Immaculate Mother, September 29, 1977. " I warned you in the past, My Children, that as you become murderers in heart, your children shall become murders in heart. And it shall be parents and children, division in the home , parents and children fighting. Children rising up and putting to death the parents! And Why? Because they have no light in the home, no light of faith. Souls are in darkness, and the Prince of Darkness is Satan..
Our Lady…September 27, 1975
“I have, many times, cautioned you, and all my children against the use of the diabolical machine, your television. There will be no excuses accepted for having these in your presence. They are destroyers of the soul, and corruptors of the mind. They take you from your moments of meditation; they take you from reading the words of the Good Book, your Bible. They present to you a way of life that is not akin to the way of God…”
Satan now in the body of the man. He’ll roam the country now. He‘ll set up his covens. Covens, my child, covens they are called. He’ll set them up to kill and maim. Beware! Allow none into your house unless you know them well. Guard your doors against the agents of hell, whowill come in the wean your children from your house into households of sin.”
“Mothers, protect your daughters’ purity. Allow them no rein to be free in choice. Guard them well, for they will be the victims of black mass which shall rage throughout your country.”
“This spirit of evilness now is spreading fast throughout your country. The angels of death, they shall now increase.” August
“ Therefore My children, I must tell you this, there will be a major war between the wrong side, the left and the right, over this issue. We will not have test tube babies, for they are not born with a soul. They can only, then, be called a “thing”, a ‘creature’ unknown. Is this what you want, my children? Is this what you want of these children you bear for another? To give them as though you were machines, manufacturing them for another? “ June 6, 1987
“The spread of drugs was for reason---to bring down the morale, and to give your children over to Satan….Recordings known as rock and roll are the major instrument for leading your children into the plague, the country wide plague of Drugs…They put into your child a spell, a hypnotism leading to promiscuity, deviant sex, homosexuality, drugs, murders, abortions and all manner of foul deeds…”November 13, 1975
Worldly Pleasures
“I have asked you in the past to remain away from even the simplest forms of entertainment outside your home because Lucifer will give you one thousand truths if he can bring in one error to you. Do not be deceived by your medias because they are under the control now of the agents of hell.”
May 30, 1977...Jesus with the Immaculate Mother “You and the world’s peoples will experience very soon the start of the great sorrows upon mankind. If you have listened to the direction and counsel of My Mother, you have prepared your household well. Step by step, the rising tides shall engulf mankind. Before many of those who listen now to My counsel, before long, I say unto you: you will have received direct confirmation of the prophecies from Heaven. My children, you will keep your armor about you; protect your children with this armor. It has been given to you for good reason. If you cannot understand in your human mind, accept it through faith, and gain. If you reject the counsel of my mother, your reject the salvation of your soul and children’s souls.”
“The world leaders in the nations of the earth have received a great part of the counsel of my mother. You must all keep a constant vigil of prayer going throughout your country and the world. Prayer can only now melt the hearts of those who have closed their ears. My children, continue on your mission. Your prayers shall bring many back before the tribulation. “
“My Children you will keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your country and the World. You will seek all kinds of opportunities to do sacrifice and penance for salvation of souls - for those who have been given in abundance - much is expected of them. ’’ June 9, 1979