Bethel Departures: The writing on the wall

by What-A-Coincidence 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • What-A-Coincidence

    a BETHEL talk in 98

    Over 17,000 members are in active service at Bethel worldwide. "Thank you for the contribution you have made. There is yet more work to do. All the work we do is necessary, everyone is needed. We need the ability and stability of long time members and the new ones." The Dwelling Together manual says that the longer you stay, the more valuable you become. Older ones are disturbed that they will not be looked after in their old age. (Eccl. 12)

    Annual Meeting in 99

    The number of Bethel volunteers has also gone down, as a result of eliminating duplicate work and greater efficiency. - Robert Rains 99 Annual Meeting

  • juni

    Good evening WAC!

    Use 'em and abuse 'em. That's what they do.


  • hubert

    What a difference a year makes !!!


  • What-A-Coincidence

    all of us bethelites knew it was coming... it's been a bad year from Bethel... it;s the beginning of the end

  • daniel-p

    Nothing like a round of lay-offs to boost moralle! One of my best friends was a recent victim of the lay-offs, after 13 years of faithful Bethel service. I pioneered for 4 years and felt like I had nothing to show for it - can you imagine what it must feel like, deep down inside to these former Bethelites? All that time and life spent and nothing to show for it except the title "edler" and some worn dress shoes.

  • What-A-Coincidence
    some worn dress shoes

    from the hopper no less.

    All i got was a plaque. It's a piece of shut your mouth. Gonna grind it down and engrave the day I came onto JWD.

  • daniel-p

    Heh, I remember those hopper days. I found many a tie, and even some odds and ends like alarm clocks and coffee mugs. That place was more depressing than any Salvation Army or Goodwill.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Jehovah answers prayers...

    I once saw a nice field service bag on AMAZON.COM. I did not have any money (duh..I was a Bethelite). Then low and behold! The same exact bag in one of the hoppers! Now someone explain to me that Jehovah does not answer prayers!

    One out of 456,234,432 that is.

  • luna2

    I can imagine how this must feel. People want to feel secure and I'm sure many of these dismissed Bethelites thought they had it made in the shade. They might not have much money, but they knew they'd have a place at Bethel (as long as they didn't get sick and were useful) for life. This is Jah's headquarters, don't you know! Now they have money, no place of their own, no more Bethel life. Oh Jehovah, what have we done that you would forsake us like this? ...that's what I'd be thinking anyhow.

    The WTS is worse than any big corporation...companies pay their workers and usually give them some sort of severance package when they let them go...or they are at least eligible for unemployment benefits. Bethelites are just thrown into the streets while the higher ups mumble something about Jehoobie seeing to their needs. How devastating!

  • Arthur
    Heh, I remember those hopper days. I found many a tie, and even some odds and ends like alarm clocks and coffee mugs. That place was more depressing than any Salvation Army or Goodwill.

    LOL ! Hey, I'll tell you what. Those hoppers could have provided the costumes for the sitcom "That 70s Show" for an entire season.

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