jw videos

by BlackSwan of Memphis 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis
    get a hammer and bash them just like they had bashed their trash in our heads 5 meetings a week

    I would except I think there is someone out there who might find some use for them. But hey, if all else fails, that's always a workable option!

    Everyone has heard about the crocodile infested waters!

    That goes waaaaay back.

    Of Course! It makes people feel guilty as heck for missing a single meeting.

    I swear, I think that's the only reason they publish the Yearbook. It has all these fantastic stories that remind people how much better they could be doing.

  • What-A-Coincidence
    I think there is someone out there who might find some use for them

    That junk is poison. Who would find poison useful???

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Posion? True, true.

    The same could be said for all the watchtowers and awakes and various publications.

    Keeping them on hand however has proved to be useful many times over now.

    Who knows, maybe they could prove Some usefulness,

  • What-A-Coincidence

    okay..u got a point

    You can put a pice of tape where the hole is on the side and copy the JW VIDEO from the internet over it!!! Damn! I am a genious!!!

    wac is

  • jschwehm

    I'll take them off your hands.

    Jeff S.


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Hey stranger !

    Jeff, I got an email from someone just the other night that they'd like 'em and I have them ready to be shipped.

    Sorry! Hope you're well.

  • Sunspot
    get a hammer and bash them just like they had bashed their trash in our heads 5 meetings a week

    This was my first reaction when reading this too.

    And I remember the story about some guy out raking in his yard, that came across a part of a page of an WT mag, picked it up and read it, and became a JW as a result.

    So guess how gullible wewere for swallowing all that stuff the WTS printed?

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Believe me I Did have a momentary thought of destruction, but really, some of this Can be useful down the road. I have someone who wants them. They've been out of the borg for years and they want to see what the dubs have been up to.

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