Whats the funniest/most bizarre comment heard from the audience during a WT

by chiddy 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • chiddy

    Whats the funniest comment heard from the audience during a WT study/book study/service meeting?

    We had a young retarded kid in our cong , who had his hand up for every single question , usually the bro would take his comment as he would just say "JEHOVAH" but this time he takes the mic and starts this long winded comment rounded off with"SATANS GOING TO CAUSE A CIVIL WAR!"

    Priceless !

  • Honesty

    Just look around inside any kingdom hall and you can tell that he started it some time ago.

  • AgentSmith

    There was a child that had trouble sitting still. As his dad picked him up and carried him outside, for a smack if it was my father, he shouted: 'Jehovah, help me!' He did not get a hiding, and most of the hall roared with laughter.

    Second story, cannot say where it came from. It was related to me at an assembly or something. The child was naughty and mom dragged him outside as well. As the door closed a car came past and back fired. A kid in the back row exclaimed very loudly, 'Oh my god, she shot him!'

  • sir82

    A couple of goodies from the book study...

    There's a scripture somewhere in Corinthians saying something like "Let all your affairs take place with love". The young sister who read the verse came out with "Let all your love affairs take place with love."

    Another book had a paragraph with the sentence to the effect that "today's university campuses are hotbeds of rebellion." The book study reader said "today's university campuses are hot tubs of rebellion."

  • fullofdoubtnow

    We had an interested person at our sunday meeting some years ago, and the wt was about families. The question was how to deal with children who are naughty, and the lady put her hand up and said "kill 'em!". The hall erupted with laughter, even the wt conductor was laughing, and it ook a few minutes to restore order.

  • czarofmischief

    A WT study on the gift of singleness prompted a single sister to say, "Since I do not have a human head" and reduced me to laughter - a problem since I was reading that week.


  • Schism

    Oh God, there have been so many nutcases in my Hall!

    One brother was doing the reading, and he was asked to read a scripture with the word "organism" in it, but instead he read "orgasm" and never caught himself!

    One elder was giving a public talk and kept using the term "half-assed", because he thought it was "half-fast" and he must have said it a hundred times during that talk! After, someone told him what he was actually saying and he cried!

    One sister was trying to "hook up" with a brother who'd just lost his wife in death. She raised her hand and said something about the nights being lonely and there's nothing like a BIG BIG brother there for a sister (I don't remember the rest). Boy we were shocked! She was doing all this moaning and heavy breathing into the mic, and we all froze. It was the longest 2 minute comment in the world! I thought she was going to come right out and say that she was in need of some sexual healing! No question about it, she was getting hot and bothered in the hall.

    Oh there's so much more, I just don't have time to put them all in here right now!!!

  • GermanXJW

    We had this sister from Poland (not native speaker) that gave an answer by reading from a paragraph. The word "organism" appeared several times but each time she said "orgasm". But nobody commented on that one.

  • becca1

    A brother gave an experience about the brothers in "Thighland".

    A brother said we had a "spriritual enema".

    We had a sister Pane, and the WT conductor called on "sister Pane in the rear".

    In a service meeting part about Bible reading, a sister raised her hand and said she did her Bible reading in bed late at night bacause it was so boring it put her to sleep.

  • megsmomma

    There was a young child( 3 or 4) raising her hand and when the conductor called on her it was obvious that the mom had no idea her daughter had her hand up and was about to comment......when the mic came she took it real close to her mouth and said "poopy-butt-head".....Her mom looked SHOCKED but everyone was cracking up!

    Then one time during a study of the "Creation" book, our reader was not a real good reader....and we were reading about the baby Kangaroo in the pouch looking for the mothers "teat".....well....when it came to say that word he stuttered "t"..."t"..."t".... TIT....It was so funny but no one really wanted to laugh, and everyone was trying to hold it in!

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