***WHY would anyone shoot and kill Amish children?***

by sf 30 Replies latest social current

  • monkeyshine
  • jgnat

    Who can explain crazy? The person was obviously a nut, and obviously picked an innocent third party to vent his twisted revenge. It has nothing to do with the fact that it was a one-room school or that it was Amish children. It just comes off as more crazy. Like firing in to a McDonald's or something. The best explanation for this kind of aberrant behavior I've heard is from Malcom Gladwell in his book "The Tipping Point". Here's an excerpt from one of his interviews.


    Are people reading "The Tipping Point" because they are desperate to figure out what makes something popular or successful? I think that's part of it, although I wouldn't use the word "desperate." It's just a subject that is curious. It's curious when a movie that no one imagines will go anywhere becomes a huge hit. It's weird when everyone starts pushing around razor scooters. These are things that we live with in our society that are puzzling. It's puzzling when you have a little outbreak of school shootings—all these little indices of mass behavior that defy normal explanation. And that's what "The Tipping Point" is trying to explain. Some groups of people have had much more ambitious hopes for the book in terms of how it will help them figure things out. The book was meant to be a fresh and provocative set of insights about certain kinds of social phenomenon.

  • SusanHere

    Guns aren't the problem. If he hadn't had a gun, he could have used a machette or any of a dozen other favorite tools of murderers.

    The problem is allowing crazy people to fester in their hatreds until it boils over in an event like this monsterous, senseless tragedy. Being as tolerant, understanding and kindly towards those who exhibit antisocial behaviors -- such as this man surely did many times since whatever happened when he was 12 happened -- as many "experts" have been for the past couple of decades only allows the deeply disturbed to believe that they are right in their feelings and justified in their desire to get even in some way when the opportunity presents itself.

    We had a foster child for a while. The things he said and did kept me awake many a night until he was finally removed from our lives. Poor little boy? Yes. Certainly. He was beyond what love and a good home could cure, but that was all we were allowed to give. As far as I know, the help he needed was never given. I wonder what ever happened to him as he grew older and capable of carrying out his twisted thoughts.

    It was many years before we took in other outside children, and then only when we were able to guarantee they'd receive the therapy they needed to overcome the mess their parents had made of their young lives. Love and understanding only go so far.

    What a heartbreaking situation this is for the families involved, including the children and wife of the killer. So many people will be grieving a long, long time because of today.


    P.S. This was especially shocking to us as only a few days ago there was a similar incident at Platte Canyon High School. If we'd lived two houses further over, just two houses, our children would have attended that school. Many of their friends did. Our sons attend proms there.

    Also, remember Columbine? The school's readerboard had a notice regarding the Band Festival being held there the day before. Two of my sons were at that Band Festival. They ate lunch in the cafeteria where the shootings took place.

    Sometimes it seems like all the world is spinning faster and faster out of control. Danger seems to get ever closer. Do we need any more reason to embrace goodness where ever it can be found?


    SlimBoyFat..Your reply was not an answer..You said:"You read on this forum that apostates burned down a Kingdom Hall"..I said back up your post..Prove it!.....The fact is,it could have been mischevious nieghbourhood kids..No one seems to know who did it,except you..Now back up your post...OUTLAW

  • LittleToe


    Ya got caught with your pants around your ankles on the KH burning call. Fest up, ya made an assumption and have now been called on it.

    ...doctrinally pure...

    There's an oxymoron, if ever I saw one

  • parakeet

    Why would anyone shoot and kill anyone? There's no answer that makes sense. I live about 25 miles from where this happened. These one-room schoolhouses are all over Lancaster County. I've often driven by them and seen children playing outside. This schoolhouse is located near a small town named, ironically, Paradise.

  • greendawn

    When someone goes out and kills people that are totally unrelated to any grudge he holds this is a very perverted sense of justice. And children are the most innocent of humans.

  • LittleToe

    Dagnabbit, I thought it was a spoof, until I saw it on the news.

    That's just too mixed up!!!

  • zev

    i only just saw it today on the news. what a shame. very very sad.

  • badboy


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