Anyone of these fine looking C.O's or D.O.'s look familiar? Gifts in Men

by What-A-Coincidence 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    O.K!!!!There seem to be quite a few of them guilty of the sin of gluttony in that picture.Gill says that is a sin to D/F them I second the motion ???? who says that is O.K.?

  • FreedomFrog

    To be honest with you I feel very sad for them. Can you imagine if one of them...just one...came out, how that would basically destroy their lives? Chances are neither one of them has had a good job (CO's/DO's don't have jobs do they?) to speak of since they are "working" for the Borg. I mean, think about what it could do to them if they left. Here they have been living off the Society for god knows how long. Probably not much of a retirement...they are basically trapped even if they wanted to get out. IMHO

  • free2beme

    Never seen anyone of them. Although, as old as the ones I had were, and with being gone nearly ten years. I would bet that the ones I knew, are all dead or in retirement homes.

  • JH

    Is that lucifer in the back?


  • BizzyBee
    Is that lucifer in the back?

    Nah.............looks more like J-Lo.............what's she doing there?

  • mouthy

    OH I thought that was busy bee

  • gtwriter99

    The dark-skinned brother is from the Dominican Republic. He's my current C.O. in my Spanish congregation. Whoa!

  • What-A-Coincidence

    lol at freddom

    Ok, I'm interested...what happened to your camera? Did you get caught by the CO's? Or was the "picture" also including the camera?

    I'm imagining you running in, take a picture and all the guys in suits start running after you. While you're running to try to get away, you quickly take the film out but they corner you and steal your $600. camera. You secretly sell the film to Simon. Do we have a covert operation going on here?

    Just call me NEO. I matrixed in, I saw one D.O., it was Agent Smith, then there was more than one. They all followed my arse to tower 7. I gave smith the beatdown of his life. Now you know the truth about Tower 7. ;-)

  • bronzefist

    Welcome to the board gtwriter99

    A baker's dozen.....Matt. 16:6.

  • c.t.russel the IVth
    c.t.russel the IVth

    Freddy Franz always liked brown shoes....the more battered and scuffed up the better!

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