Parents say the darnest things...

by mrsjones5 8 Replies latest social relationships

  • mrsjones5

    My father told my sister that he wants her to get baptised as a jw so that he can see her dead baby daughter in paradise. This is the same man who is not speaking to his live grand-daughter (my daughter) because he and I aren't on speaking terms. Messed up ain't it? It's so wrong on so many levels.


  • Fleur


    Yeah, it's all messed up.

    My sister is out trying to save souls by knocking on doors, but she won't even talk to my child because I won't let her pick the child up and take her off on her own to brainwash her. She wanted me to just up and let her have unlimited access, unsupervised to my child. Hell no. Truthfully, we are all better off without her influence in our lives.

    I'm sorry you have to go through this :(



  • wvpeach

    well welcome to the world. World wide there might be hundreds of thousands of dads and daughters just the same situation as you are in with yours.

    My dads no Jehovah's Wittness he worse he's a retired Marine SGT. Who now thinks he is Gods best frined at the local church of Christ.

    believe me we didn't talk for years. Till I just decided to ignore him when he spouted crap and never let him be alone with my kids to poison thier minds.

    where did everybody get the notion that people that belong to any church should be perfect?

    Thats not possible, not realistic. I can tell you that more sinners fill the pews of church's every Sunday morning than fill the bars on Saturday night. Yet forgiveness and trying not to continue in that sin is what its all about. Get that , you've got a lot.

  • JWdaughter

    WVPeach, sorry your dad is such a twit. Is he a twit because his church tells him that is how he should be or is he just naturally a jerk? Because in the case of JWs who leave the religion, it isn't 'personal' when ones mom, dad or child stops speaking to them. It is REQUIRED by their religion if they wish to remain in the religion. Those that do not cut off their children are at risk of being expelled themselves-and will be if they are caught. That is not to say that some do not 'break the rules' but by the comments you see on this board, you can KNOW that there are many families who take the shunning RULES very seriously. We don't stop talking to our parents because they are jerks, or stupid or we don't like their religion. THEY refuse to have anything to do with their children because their religion tells them that they must. Do you understand that we know the difference between a generally obnoxious religous person who just takes religion and makes it a weapon and those whose religion turns them into the weapon? We are fully aware that there are jerks outside the religion, but your Dad took his religion to a place it wasn't supposed to go. These JWs are doing precisely what they are TOLD to do by their religion.

    Whats wrong with the religion is not the occasional mean people that show up all over the world in every religion, it is the basic tenet of the religion to treat others in this way. Ask you husband how they would treat you if you were baptised as a JW and then decided to join the local baptist church or Methodist church? How would your JW 'friends' treat you? They would cut you and you would become invisible. They would pity your husband and not come round the house anymore(if they do now) He MIGHT decide that the marriage was untenable and divorce you, but most likely, he would give you the cold shoulder a lot. Communication would likely break down, and there would be enormous guilt heaped on your head and pressure to 'return to the organization and serve Jehovah'. Because a JW going to the local Baptist church is pretty much worse than going to the local strip club or nearest orgy.

  • JWdaughter

    Josie, sorry your dad is that way. I hope he isn't hurting your sis with his attitude. I know it is hurtful to you. ((((hugs))))

  • mrsjones5

    Thanks JWD, my sister is a strong one and is easily provoked to speak her mind. Mind you my parents didn't start a fight with me until my sister was safely out of the way. They're not very good at standing up to my sister. And my daughter is doing fine too, she has other relatives to take the place of my father - he's the one losing out.


  • sass_my_frass

    Sorry to hear it Mrs J. If he hurts, he deserves it.

  • Nosferatu
    she won't even talk to my child because I won't let her pick the child up and take her off on her own to brainwash her. She wanted me to just up and let her have unlimited access, unsupervised to my child. Hell no. Truthfully, we are all better off without her influence in our lives.

    I know how you feel there. It's amazing how my parents told me that they're the only ones who are trustworthy to babysit my child. The truth is, they don't even make it as the LAST people to babysit my child. I'd rather hire a stranger to do it. After the way they treated me and my brother, forget it.

    Yeah, I'm hurting today.

    so that he can see her dead baby daughter in paradise

    Will she not be included among "all those in the memorial tombs" who "will hear his voice and come out?"

    His statement sounds bizarre.


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