Not anointed? But why?

by greendawn 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • greendawn

    When you were a JW did you find it strange that you were not anointed with the Holy Spirit that you weren't part of the New Covenant? Did you wonder where this idea came from? In fact there isn't any support in the Bible for such a concept and it is one of the many heresies of destruction that these false teachers have propagated. 2 Peter 2:1. All Christians are one body through one baptism and there is no other provision.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I did wonder about that when I first studied Greendawn, but I guess they did a first - class indoctrination job on me, because by the time I'd been associating around 6 months I'd totally accepted jw doctine on it. Lokking back, it makes you wonder how they can so succeefully fool so many with it, there's little support for it in the scriptures.

  • OnTheWayOut

    The average adult who starts studying with JW had no previous religious lofty ideas, or he had a negative religious experience.

    This means that he can be told what his future should be, and he will believe it. If they don't want more anointed, then

    tell him that he's not one. I find it strange that "given ones" (un-anointed who helped the committees controlled by the GB)

    eventually became anointed. This tells me that they were re-programmed, once the GB decided they would be great

    additions to their little flock. These men were not average rank-and-file. They were fully immersed in doing God's Will.

    (I guess that means they were easy to manipulate- "The Governing Body says I should be anointed."

  • greendawn

    Fullofdoubt, there is in fact no support for it at all since the great crowd are in fact in heaven serving as priests in the temple there. The dubs have obviously totally twisted and mistranslated that verse to fit their concepts. As for the other sheep they have to be the non jewish christians.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Greendawn, it's been a long time since I studied, but I think they used Psalm 37 and Jesus words in Matthew 5 about the meek inheriting the earth to justify their beliefs. The scriptures were, no doubt, out of context, but I didn't know enough about the bible to check that.

    I suppose they rely on meeting people who don't know the bible well enough to question anything, but will accept their word on it. I doubt they'd fool too many bible scholars.

  • greendawn

    Those verses were out of context, the meek will inherit the earth does not mean that they will be confined to the earth. Just as the other sheep were the gentiles soon to begin to be gathered and not the members of an obscure cult due to appear 2000 years later.

  • OnTheWayOut
    Those verses were out of context, the meek will inherit the earth does not mean that they will be confined to the earth. Just as the other sheep were the gentiles soon to begin to be gathered and not the members of an obscure cult due to appear 2000 years later.

    Yes, but the average person agreeable to a bible study (including myself) doesn't know this stuff, so when the Witnesses tell you they understand these scriptures and the world doesn't, we assumed the WORLD DOESN'T. Too bad for us.

  • restrangled

    Growing up a JW, there was always a great mystery surrounding this subject, and like most other subjects was just accepted without question.

    I remember memorial nights, and there was always tension in the air at the thought that anyone would dare sip the wine or take a snippet of the cracker.....which sometimes happened by those not familiar with the JW mind set.

    There were two supposed members of our family that were annointed. They were held up as icons or idols. No one dared ask any probing questions. The answer to those asked by children were, "They just know, they have the heavenly hope, you on the other hand have an earthly hope along with the rest of us."

    That was the end of it. It was stated as fact.

    I look back at the indoctrination and it all seems incredible.


  • jrjr4189

    Growing up a JW I was basically told it would be impossible to go to heaven, so i just accepted it. But I think if you start studying with dubs now and decide your annointed, you got to have a set of balls on you.

    On another note. Did anyone here ever get nervous about living forever on earth?

    I used to have panic attacks all thoughout my childhood and even as recent as a year or two ago about having to live forever. It sounds like a great thing (to live forever), but it always freaked me out that there would be no end.......

    Am I crazy??

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