A Letter to the Bethelites-FOR THE CHILDREN

by Dogpatch 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    Dear Randy:

    I don't know if this is publishable on your website or just an opportunity to air my concerns on this sunny September afternoon, here in Oregon. Either way, I'll endeavor to get to the point.

    Just a quick background for your readers: My wife Jill and I left the JW's in 1998 with our 2 teenage children after 17 years of involvement. We were converts; our kids were raised "in the truth". From 1990 to 1993 we were a 2-KH-key family, with Jill pioneering and me a servant. By 1995, with "generation" being re-translated to re-account for the years after 1975, I started to lose my faith in the WTS. In early 1999 we found Free Minds on the Internet, I got some counseling and we left "the truth" abruptly. I talked to 6 people on the way out, each saying they couldn't leave (without me even asking them to!) We were angry, but I didn't want to be DF'd, so we just left, saying nothing. We still live 2 doors away from the SO, many JWs live around the neighborhood. Many are pleasant, we are happy to talk to them.

    Our children are glad to have left. In school my son had a particularly difficult time with his peers. My daughter balanced a "double life" and just dodged the issues that befall JW children. One startling experience after we left was the relief my son felt when I told him that we would have gone against WT policy and permit a blood transfusion if needed. That's a cruel notion to hold over a child - I had never thought how he truly felt at the time we made him carry his blood card. Still, we are out and making up for most things. Doing lots of reading and looking for joy in just living, no longer waiting for the JW train to come in.

    This is my concern:

    I call my Mum (never a jw) in the UK every Sunday. This past Sunday being no exception - it was the weekend after the terrorist attack on NYC and Washington. She told me that she was upset with the two JWs who call on her each week. Mum was disgusted that they were using the disaster to explain that we are in the very last days - almost to the point of "being pleased with themselves that the JW's are right". This upset Mum, as it would upset any loving person. The sisters that call on her are very devoted JW pioneers, I have known them for years, one has even stayed with us in the US. They are not bad people - just desperate for some proof to support their misdirected beliefs.

    Later that evening I surfed a few JW spots on the 'net. I read that the WTS closed its doors so "strangers wouldn't come in". I read words like "thrilled" and "excited" being applied to news of this terrible disaster. I wondered how I would have reacted had this happened 10 years ago when we were all gung-ho JWs. I dread to think that I might have come off as "gloating", but I think I might have, as I too desperately wanted Armageddon to come right now.

    Sadly, I don't think I would have put 2 and 2 together and see that the God of the JWs had something Evil planned for 99.9% of the whole world's population. I don't think I could have seen then that a God that would kill people the way the terrorists did on a global scale could be Evil. I don't think that I could have seen that the worship of such a God was Evil, that living in a world perpetrated by such a God would be Evil - that Armageddon (per JW lore) would be Evil.

    But I do now. I now recall endless pictures (particularly in the older WT's) of the religious, government and business world falling apart, literally! This is hateful propaganda. But my concern is primarily what this may do to Witness children.

    As your longer term readers have found out there are people within the WTS that KNOW they are NOT God's sole channel of truth. They have been back peddling on issues such as voting, non-whole blood transfusions and a series of cultish tendencies to prove their reasonableness to the UN and many nations of the earth to try to maintain their status as a legal religion. They also know that Dateline is going to do an expose on several cases of hiding pedophiles & rapists in the JW movement, and related shunning for whistle blowers. They KNOW they have legal problems ahead.

    September 11th provided the WTS a golden opportunity to help the people of this nation and lend its strong young men to the bucket lines at the World Trade Center, or provide lodging and food, or anything that represents the Love of God that so many in the rest of the nation, even the world, have shown. But they haven't. If anyone with a loving heart in Bethel is reading this: PLEASE RECONSIDER, HELP THIS WORLD AND THIS NATION NOW. STEP UP AND BE COUNTED AMONG THOSE THAT LOVE THEIR FELLOW MAN. LEND YOUR RESOURCES TO THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Brag about it afterwards if you have to but just change your ways and help. You will be considered the better for it. It won't cost you much.

    If you don't, this is what may happen. Your rank and file members believe every single word you utter and write. The children of the rank and file go to public schools around this country - many in very patriotic areas. If your members are lead once more to believe that this disaster is the result of some Bible based prophecy that only the "anointed" JWs know, those rank and file members will gloat over these ghastly events. Their children will be ridiculed at school. Even if the children are convinced of the JW Myth themselves they will suffer. They will believe they are suffering for righteousness' sake, that this is the real precursor to the beloved Armageddon. IT IS NOT. This too will pass. It will always pass. Things will get back to normal, and may even get better for our world. Maybe this is a wake up call for the global community; maybe those 5500 poor souls on September 11th gave their lives for something meaningful in the grander scheme of things.

    We don't know. What we do know is that every generation has expected Bible prophecy to be manifested in its lifetime. It's part of history and human nature. But this time is no 1975 error, which was just silliness in comparison. This time there could be major repercussions (like it was during the World Wars). Watchtower leaders KNOW this is not the Truth - PLEASE DON'T PUT YOUR CHILDREN THROUGH IT.


    I speak from personal experience. I inculcated in my son what was taught on the pages of the Watchtower. It made his school life miserable and had lasting effects. Please don't do the same to your child.

    Blessed be all of us.
    Very Best Regards
    Glen James

  • ozziepost

    Wow. So well put. Thanks Randy for passing this on to the 'wider community'. I hope you include it in the next issue of Treeminds Journal.


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • dungbeetle

    I likely would have been thrilled and excited and gloating years ago myself...its a cult mind thing I guess.

    And the good times keep on rollin'...At the public talk this past sunday the speaker took a jab at NYC by saying...that's a result of false religion.

    And at the service/school meeting they said "We go preaching door to door and refuse blood because this way it proves we love Jehovhah" (That one I walked out of)

    And at the bookstudy this week, the conducter reads a scripture in 2 peter something or other, and says "See...only people serving jehovah will be preserved alive at Armegeddon. That's a lot of people that are going to die."

    I refuse to believe that God will kill Seigfreid and Roy...

    Love to you and yours Randy

    ...edieted for speelling
    dungbeetle...cleaning up the crap.

  • metatron

    Exactly so!

    This cruel viewpoint, forced on children, comes back
    to bite Witness parents in later years. Too many Witness
    kids are NOT taught the importance of love - or rather
    judgemental attitudes are substituted for compassion.
    WANT? Do you think they will give a rat's posterior about
    you in a nursing home? Do you know why the Society has
    had to repeat over and over about taking care of aged
    parents? (Reply: "I can't, I have to get out in service")

    Whatever an organization is sowing, this it shall also
    They are ruining children and wrecking families - all the
    while rambling on about the 'spiritual paradise' they've

    I'm not talking THEORY here, these observations are directly
    based on my Witness family experience and that of my relatives.


  • Fredhall

    Hey Randy,

    What hope are you and Glen James going to give to those who was effected by the disaster? Read a Ray Franz book or two?

  • Dogpatch

    I used real money to contribute Fred, how about you?

  • ChuckD

    So did I, Fred. Plus some volunteer time. And you did .......? What was it again?

  • Fredhall

    Hey Guys,

    I'm donating later this week. Oh Randy, how did you get your money? You make all your money by lying about us. So you should be happy we around. Why? Because you would not made a damn cent.

  • mcsemike

    To FredHall: I am an ex-JW and don't usually spend much time here. The reason is that if I left the WT because it is not God's organization, and I spend the rest of my life campaigning against it, then I haven't really left it. It would still be controlling the rest of my life. But I felt I had to reply to your posts. If you are a JW, then you are behaving like a child and a "naughty" JW by even visiting sites like this. It's also not "Christian" to act like a snotty punk. You are not as tough as you act. If you doubt this, I can find several people who would enjoy teaching you some manners, but they would never hit a girl. If you are not a JW, but have some other reason for acting like a jackass, then that is your right. After all, one of the things in life that makes me appreciate my life, my family, my talents, and the other good things that I enjoy is the ability to look at people like you and be thankful that I am not you. If you want to do something constructive with your life, you should attend medical school and become a proctologist. Then all day long your work would consist of looking at patients and being reminded of who you really are. On days off, you could look in a mirror and pretend you were at work. The WT is going down, call the nearest hardware store and get new parts for your head.

  • Deleted

    Mr Hall: The "hope" that I have been trying to give is one of a unified, loving world - I believe more good will come from this eventually. I refer to the writings of Scott Peck, Carolyn Myss, James Redfield and Eckhart Tolle. We at Portland Brewing cancelled our annual Oktoberfest celebration (with sunk costs of $30,000), staged a more respectful gathering and collected $7700 for the American Red Cross. I have a US flag on my car. I honk my horn at other US flags. I will be giving my blood. I cry with my friends and I went to an episcopal church last week with my office mates. It is for the love of people that I (and probably millions of others) do this. Glen James

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