Dixie Chicks and Freedom of Speech

by Stephanus 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • funkyderek


    I understand what you are saying about free speech laws but we americans make and vote for the laws. My point by playing devil's advocate is that we cannot have it both ways. We advertise our country as being one where we have much freedom and we do, so lets keep it that way. If there is enough public outcry, people will try to change the laws.

    I really don't understand your viewpoint. What laws do you want changed? Do you want people to be forced to buy Dixie Chicks CDs? Or to be forbidden from calling for a boycott? (What about their right to free speech?)

    For instance if enough people hold power to do so, they could make a law saying we have freedom of speech but not enough not to speak against the president. The freedoms we have today can change if enough people want them to change.

    Not easily. That's why you have a constitution, to prevent the whims of the majority violating the rights of the individual.

    I was just saying I am glad we have free speech here and thats why I try not to censor anyone. And I believe you are wrong with censorship. Censoring speech would be putting any restraints on another person's speech.

    If the government were to prohibit the Dixie Chicks from saying something against the president, that would be censorship. If an individual were to try to prevent them from saying it, that would be assault. If someone doesn't want to give them his time or money, or a platform for their views, that's just their tough luck. I don't like Tom Cruise, should I be forced to see Mission Impossible III so he can have free speech? The idea is so absurd I feel I must be misunderstanding you in some way. Am I?

    By not buying the Chick's cds just because we did not like what they say, we are putting restraints on them.

    No, we're not. We're saying, "I don't like what you say, so I'm going to choose not to listen to it."

    We are saying as a country that "you will not be able to thrive and support yourself here, unless you stop saying negative things about Bush f course this is not the same as not buying them because we don't like them. I was only addressing those who like them but will not buy any more cds "just" because of what they said about Bush.

    So what are you proposing? That people who don't have a Dixie Chicks CD should be interrogated, and if it turns out they actually like their music, but hate their politics they should be forced to buy the CD? Maybe even go to a concert or two?

    I really don't understand whose rights are violated if someone chooses not to buy a Dixie Chicks CD - for whatever reason


    "and it should be applauded that nobody would even think of trying to have them arrested for saying it."

    lol, ok.

    Not sure what's so funny about that. I merely meant that it's a good thing to live in a country that really does have free speech. We in the West take it for granted that we can criticise our leaders with impunity, but in other countries, such behaviour can have serious repercussions.

  • integ

    Well, I don't know what to say, except that my name is now officially:

    Isaiah Richardson...whoops...I might have forgotten how to spell it though. After all I AM 80 some years old and an elder in the Rockford West congregation of Jehovahs Witnesses...Or as you Spanish folk call it; De Los Testigos y Jehova.

    Amigos Grande Mucho Gusto,

    I. R.

  • lovelylil

    o.k. enough already. Almost no one is getting the point that I am playing "devils Advocate" here and just making a scenario so that "individuals" not the government can understand why it is good and important that the Dixie Chicks can speak there minds. And how we as Individuals should encourage this and not discourage it by getting all bent out of shape - and threatening to not buy anyone's cd, just because they are excercising their right of Free Speech. Lilly

  • Stephanus
    it is good and important that the Dixie Chicks can speak there minds.

    Why just the Dixie Chicks?

    And how we as Individuals should encourage this and not discourage it by getting all bent out of shape

    Are you going to buy Ann Coulter's next book, in the name of Free Speech?

  • funkyderek


    o.k. enough already. Almost no one is getting the point that I am playing "devils Advocate" here and just making a scenario so that "individuals" not the government can understand why it is good and important that the Dixie Chicks can speak there minds.

    I agree on that. The Dixie Chicks should not be prevented (either by the government or by illegitimate force) from giving their opinions on any matter.

    And how we as Individuals should encourage this and not discourage it by getting all bent out of shape - and threatening to not buy anyone's cd, just because they are excercising their right of Free Speech. Lilly

    That's the bit I don't understand. They express their opinion freely and without obstruction. On hearing their opinion, I am so turned off that I no longer wish to do business with them. I choose not to do business with them, and use my freedom of speech to encourage those who agree with me to follow my example. What's the problem? If you're just playing Devil's Advocate whose point of view are you trying to represent? That of someone who doesn't understand how the different applications of free speech laws to governments and individuals?

  • JeffT

    We do indeed all have free speech. The Dixie Chicks are free to say what they want, they have a constitutional right do that. What they do not have a Constitutional right to, is a paying job as singers.

  • lovelylil


    I already answered your second question about three times between the two threads because someone else already asked. I don't know how I can explain it any more simply. Please go back and look for the answer - I am crying Uncle already as I feel I have already explained my view enough. Some just do not agree with my answers.

    We have a difference of opinion and thats o.k. I do not believe you are not correct in thinking only a governement can censor. The WT is a corporation and they censor information all the time. I am not saying you cannot do it - I am only saying we should not do it. And that by telling someone you can speak but if I don't like what you say, I will hit you in the pocketbook, that is trying to censor what they say in the future. But like you said, they can do whatever they want to do. I am simply saying if I support Freedom of Speech, the only action I would take if somone of the tv says something I do not like is I will turn off the tv, not try to send them a message because I did not like how they were using their free speech.

    I also already talked about when your free speech can be impeded lawfully - you can find that answer too. Hope this is more clear finally. Lilly

  • Stephanus
    We have a difference of opinion and thats o.k. I do not believe you are not correct in thinking only a governement can censor. The WT is a corporation and they censor information all the time.

    I agree with funkyderek: only govts. can censor. The WBTS is a private organisation that restricts informations flow within its corporate structure and between members. But that restriction exists only because individuals choose to play along.

  • riverofdeceit

    This discussion board itself practices self-censorship. Does that mean that the owner of the site does not support free speech? No. But he likes being able to have people here with the goal of meaningful discussion. If there were no censorship, many of the lively discussions would be lost in a sea of madness. I think the problem you have with your idea is what freedom of speech means.

    I could run around saying I hate fat people. Am I allowed to do that? Yep. Free speech baby. Now lets say, I run a business, perhaps a candy shop, and one day out of the blue, I put up a sign that says "I am ashamed to live in a city where there are fat people". Am I allowed to do that? Yes, freedom of speech. Would I still expect fat people to give me the same amount of business that they may have before I expressed my views? Does that mean that fat people who support free speech would have to keep coming to my store? HOW IS THIS ANY DIFFERENT FROM WHAT THE DIXIE CHICKS HAVE DONE?

  • free2beme

    Understand your fan base, and if you still want fans, know that you should not say things to offend them ... even if you feel strongly about the idea. Otherwise, do so and expect to loss your fan base and do not whine about it later.

    No one with common sense, feels they did not have the right to say what they said. They just wonder why they felt their fans would accept it, and why they got some backlash for it. Country music is a stereo type music of Southern Good Old Boys, who go to church on Sunday and vote Republican.

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