by restrangled 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • BritBoy

    This is something I shall never understand... if Heaven is SO WONDERFUL... why are people so shit scared to die? If he's 80 with heart trouble, one of the annointed and on his way to spend time with the elite few serving alongside Jesus in HEAVEN, then why is he trying to prolong his life on this "troubled" earth???!

    [Edited]I am angry.

  • monkeyshine

    If I thought that was my fate, I'd be running around with a pair of scissors. I think when they are actually close to death, they rethink things and maybe even say "what if". You'd be surprised how you view death when it reaching out it's hand for you.

  • BritBoy
    I think when they are actually close to death, they rethink things and maybe even say "what if". You'd be surprised how you view death when it reaching out it's hand for you.

    Oh I am sure that is the case, still doesn't make it right though. Bastards. And I bet there are Millions of dubs all around the world praying for him... I think I am going to go throw up now....


    Sorry restrangled. My dad was going to leave a sizable chunk to the borg but I was able to get him out before he passed so they got zippo from him. Whatever you do in a legal way to contest it (and you can) just be sure to get plenty of publicity to make them look bad. They hate that kind of press.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    So sorry to hear of your loss restrangled, and to hear of so much money going to such an undeserving cause.

    If it were me, I'd be angry as well, and I hope you can get it back.


  • restrangled

    Thanks everyone for reading and your kind words.

    It's not my money and she can do as she pleases. I just thought is was ironic that plenty of money was being spent to keep someone alive at that age when they supposedly have the heavenly hope.

    I'm sure if my father were alive he would not be happy!


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Your mom made a foolish choice. Period.

    I wish you well and hope the pain of your loss subsides soon. Lot's of corportate execs fair far better than the grunts at the bottom of the food chain. That is just corportate bigotry IMO, the WTS and GB are no more or less guilty of said.

    Unfortunately the brain-washing runs the gamut - top of pyramid to the base. GB is at the top - your mom at the base. Most of us were there at one time also.


  • Mary

    Restrangled, you need to talk to a lawyer about this......aren't there some sort of laws now about religions getting what should be a child's inheritance? If memory serves, it was started because so many TV evangalists were conning widows to send them their money instead of leaving it to their children. The WTS does the exact same thing. You're absolutely right: these bastards should not get one red cent from your father's hard earned money.

  • greendawn

    It's astonishing how some people are willing to give so much to an organisation that already plays with billions, why not rather help some poor and deprived loyal dubs if they want to be charitable to their own? I hope you get that money back, the WTS became very powerful financially, (also) with such donations throughout its existence.

  • TheOldHippie

    No-one in the GB is in his 80s with heart problems. Only 3 are older than 70, they are Barber who is 101, Barr who is 93 and healthy for his age, and Jaracz who is 81 but very healthy. So who is this guy supposedly in his 80s and ill?

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