who really controlls this country

by jaguarbass 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • beksbks
    By "publicly funded" you mean run by the same government that created the bureaucracy that perpetuates the problems we face?

    We are the public. Publicly funded means we the people all pitch in a pittance so our elected officials have no reason to cater to big money and their interests.

    There are certainly other reforms that would help also. Like instant runoff and such. To bust up the two party system a bit and allow more realistic representation.

  • moshe

    garyneal, it seems that our capitalistic economic system has some inherent flaws, in that long term needs of society almost always take a back seat to immediate corporate profits. Politicians could do their job, if lobbyists didn't hold sway over their votes. Frankly, we need a new political party, but I don't think the Tea Party group is the right one.

  • garyneal
    Frankly, we need a new political party, but I don't think the Tea Party group is the right one.

    I am right there with you on that one. I sometimes see third and fourth party lines on the ballot but I find it difficult to decide which one to vote for. It seems only the Democrats and Republicans get all the attention and the majority of the votes. I'll admit some fault in myself too for not getting myself educated on any of the third party platform either.

    There's also the perception that a vote for any third party candidate is simply throwing your vote away. Unless that candidate was somewhat prominent like Ross Perot in 1992. But even then, I've heard many people say that Ross Perot simply made it easier for Bill Clinton to win the election and had Perot not been on the ballot, Bush would've had a better shot.

  • Mad Dawg
    Mad Dawg

    Gary Neal said:

    I don't see how 'market forces' are going to work with the politician supporting big oil like they do.

    Actually, it is the big oil companies that are leding the way in commercially viable biofuels. Even as the environmetalists are aware that oil deposits won't last forever, so are the oil companies aware of this. Just as Kodak is making digital cameras and RJ Reynolds is selling elctric guitars, the oil companies are very aware that, if they have nothing to sell when the oil runs out, they are dead.

  • Snoozy

    Skull and Bones...


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