Now what?

by hambeak 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dansk

    Hi Hambeak,

    I've been there, done it and got the tee-shirt!

    On chemo days and for a few days afterwards you need someone to give you a hand. Is your partner around?

    I'll tell you something else, too, and it's that after you complete your treatments you could be weak and wobbly for months!! Some people sail through chemo as if they're made of steel girders. Others, like me, are more sensitive and get whacked!!

    I'm an independent soul but I wasn't too proud to let Claire do almost everything for me. There's so much I wanted to do - still is - but while one's mind wants to do them one's body says "Now hold on a minute, buddy!"

    Believe me, I know exactly what you are feeling. Your body should also adjust to the chemo, meaning you won't feel as nauseous, but you will still feel weak.

    Hang on in there, think positively and I assure you, you WILL get through it!

    Hugs from over the pond!


  • done4good


    Hang in there, you are in my thoughts.


  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear ((((Hambeak))))),

    Hang in there dear!! Be strong! You will get through this!! Please know we are thinking of you!


    Lady Liberty

  • Outaservice

    Hi Hambeak,

    Research 'Goji Juice' on and/or google it.


  • BrendaCloutier

    (((( Hambeak))))

  • cruzanheart

    Hey, there! I hope today is a little better for you. If your company is big enough, you could be eligible for FMLA leave.



  • serendipity

    ((( hambeak )))

  • outnfree


    Didn't see anyone else mention this, but don't be a stoic! Take any and all anti-nausea medications offered you, and if none are offered, ASK for some. When I went through my chemo, I often got nauseous, but never actually vomited. However, I wasn't bothering with the anti-emetics because I hadn't thrown up. It was pointed out to me that this was a mistake, and I smartened up and took the proffered pills. I felt MUCH better once I hit upon the right combination. I hope you will, too.

    OH!!!! And I've also been expected to cook and clean on chemo days in the past, but I simply REFUSED to do it. One must conserve energy while in treatment. Take out is good enough for those who can actually EAT on chemo days -- which is usually everyone in the household EXCEPT the patient. Remember, although you are walking around, you ARE an ill individual. Work -- inside and outside of the home -- can and must wait until you are physically and emotionally prepared for it.

    I wish you peace,


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