star wars II vs Jurassic Park II

by BlackSwan of Memphis 17 Replies latest social entertainment

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Had a chance to watch most of SWII last night and then Jurassic Park II last night afterwards.
    Y'know, I gotta say, these new Star Wars aren't all that great. (ducks for cover)
    It was all special effects. The acting was not the great. Ewen McGregor did ok, and Natalie Portman was tolerable, but wow, I was really not impressed.
    Jurassic Park was pretty good. I wouldn't put it up there with some of the great movies of all time, but compared to SWII I thought that the balance of special effects with actual acting and the script was better.

    What is the take on these new Star Wars, I, II, III?

  • jstalin

    I'm a total star wars geek and I was pretty disappointed with I and II. III isn't bad, but there are still some bad parts. I don't know what happened... Lucas lost his touch, that's for sure. I just have no clue why he made the dialogue as stiff as he did.

  • Beachbender

    both SW and JP were on TV last night I skipped between both for awhile, settled on JP, SW was boring me!!! and our house is SW crazy usually but I agree the last few were not that great (except III).

    After 9:00pm I just started watching the Kevin Bacon movie- Stir of Echoes.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    "I'm a total star wars geek and I was pretty disappointed with I and II. III isn't bad, but there are still some bad parts. I don't know what happened... Lucas lost his touch, that's for sure. I just have no clue why he made the dialogue as stiff as he did."

    Yeah, I thought the same thing about the dialogue. Compared to the "first" three with Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher, the script was not nearly as catchy.
    The first one I saw at the movies and was fairly dissapointed. But I figured I'd have to see the rest at the movies just because, I mean it's SW's for pete's sake.
    Ah, but then it came around and I totally lost any ambition to see them.
    I really want to see the 3rd still.

    After 9:00pm I just started watching the Kevin Bacon movie- Stir of Echoes."

    Amazing isn't it?

    Stir of Echoes, I haven't seen that. Looks really good though.

  • inbyathread
    don't know what happened... Lucas lost his touch, that's for sure. I just have no clue why he made the dialogue as stiff as he did.

    Were we expecting more? Yes. I think though that it is difficult to write a script to lead a person upto an already decided matter (movie) We have preconceived ideas on how things led up to SW 4 and then Lucas had to write something to match it up. Plus

    Technology is sometimes a bummer. Take for example Star Trek. The original series ship is quite sterile compared to the ships of todays movies and TV shows. How many people would watch a prequel made today with cardboard walls and blinking christmas lights for stars.

    The concept for Star Wars was good. He made a good movie and hoped the fans/viewers would want to see how it all began. The difficult part is to make it blend.

  • stillajwexelder

    I am a total fan - I thought all three Star Wras prequels were excellent

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    InByaThread: That's true. Star Wars fans had some expectations that Lucas had to live up to Plus keep it all very up to date. The special effects were definitely awesome. It looked way more realistic then the others. Although Yoda flying around with his light saber made me laugh a bit.

    "The concept for Star Wars was good. He made a good movie and hoped the fans/viewers would want to see how it all began. The difficult part is to make it blend."

    That's true as well. I'm certainly glad he made the movies, because it gives us a story line to follow.

    Hm, you know this is one of those things where I end up asking myself, "could I have done a better job?"
    Lol, it would have been so terrible.

    "I am a total fan - I thought all three Star Wars prequels were excellent"

    You just dig Natalie Portman and Carrie Fisher ;)Seriously, I'm very aware of the vast number of devotees out there who loved all of them.
    Hey, I have a nephew who is so utterly devoted to SW's that he waited in line to get tickets to see the first midnight viewing of, I believe, all three. He's an elder in his cong and at the time was a MS. I think he was "talked" to about it by a pioneer sister. Haha.

  • gaiagirl

    I liked "Empire Strikes Back" better than ANY of the newer Star Wars movies. This seemed to strike a high point of good writing, acting and special effects which none of the later movies equalled. IMHO, Jurassic Park should have been a single movie, no sequels at all.

  • Twitch
    I liked "Empire Strikes Back" better than ANY of the newer Star Wars movies. This seemed to strike a high point of good writing, acting and special effects which none of the later movies equalled. IMHO, Jurassic Park should have been a single movie, no sequels at all.

    "Empire" was the best of them all. Most followed the formula and had bad dialogue but ILM always turned out good eye candy and there was something about that one that wasn't so cheesy and had a bit of real drama to it. Plus that asteroid sequence kicked proverbial a$$, The original Jurassic Park was a classic. Malcolm's character was the best.

  • monkeyshine


    2-New Hope





    JP 1 is a match for SW 2 but not JP 2

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