"My dad is watching Porn" Final Chapter.

by Dune 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • serendipity

    Thanks for the update, Dune. I hope your friend will see the value of continuing a friendship with you, even if you are not a JW.

  • parakeet

    Dune, you are the MAN!!! True, you caught some flak for doing the right thing, but the knowledge that you helped stop an abuser should carry you through it. In time, your friend will realize you took the only course worth taking. You are the MAN!!!

  • okie46

    Dune, You did the right thing by contacting the authorities. I am sorry your friend will not speak to you right now, but she probably has so many worries right now and is having trouble thinking clearly. Don't ever doubt yourself on this, it takes courage to speak up, and your conscience will be clear because you did the right thing. The fact that you made the right decision will mean even more to you when you have your own children some day.

  • JWdaughter

    I am so glad that in this case the mother and the congregation did the right thing by those children. I imagine the mom took action w/o waiting for advice and then it was a done deal for the elders, but who knows-maybe its a decent BOE. relatively speaking.


  • Crumpet
  • freetosee

    Thanks for the update Dune as I was concerned about the outcome and pmed you. I just found your update today. You did the right thing. It is good the police was informed and the molester cant see the kids. You surly did the right thing and it is good you are giving your friend all the time she needs. It is also great that the mom fights for her children without elder-manipulation silencing her.

    I doubt the father would have been d'fed if the police was not called.

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