The pro's and con's of being in the truth

by The wanderer 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • BizzyBee
    there were certain things that were advantageous such as public speaking, oratory and commentary and the courage to go door to door with an unpopular message.

    NAHHHHHH.....................I learned more about public speaking, thinking and writing persuasively in one college course on communication than 10 years in the KM school.

    What does going door to door with an unpopular message prepare you for, other than more of the same?

    It taught most of us that we were involved in something unpopular............and annoying.

  • BluesBrother
    one has to take into account the pro's and con's of any given situation---unfortunately there are more con's.

    You can say say again ! . yes this shy English lad also learned how to speak in public, how to read well and converse with people , on a certain level anyway. But All that can be learned "in the world"

    Set that against a wasted life following hopes and dreams that were never going to be fulfilled - No contest!

  • kid-A

    "Admitedly, an individual who did not have a very good education or who lacked good study habits or disipline, being in the organ-
    ization did teach these skills. Honestly, there were certain things that were advantageous such as public speaking, oratory and commentary and the courage to go door to door with an unpopular message. If these skills are applied correctly in life, they can enhance you in your career or in everyday life."

    On the surface, this would appear true. Deeper analysis reveals most of this is not really the nature of the training a typical dub receives:

    1) "Good study habits" have never been promoted by the JWs. Studying is an interactive process, demanding critical thinking and analysis. Using a yellow highlighter

    in a watchtower rag to read off a verbatim "answer" at the watchtower study does not qualify as studying or learning, in any sense. "Studying" watchtower literature is an exercise in mental conformity. What is worse, consulting 'outside' material that has not been misquoted or distorted by the ghost writers at Brooklyn is forbidden, further lending to the intellectual sterility and myopia inherent in 'studying' watchtower propaganda.

    2) In reality the quality of "public speaking" in a typical kingdumb hall is borderline at best. There are the occasional smooth orators to be found, but even so, presenting material in a kingdumb hall is merely a matter of reading from a pre-fabricated "script" provided by Brooklyn. A truly talented speaker is innovative, does their own background preparation and presents material in a way that forces the audience to think outside the box, rather than promote groupthink. This is the essential difference between a talented "Orator" and a talented "Propagandist". E.G., the difference between J.F.K. and Goebbels, for example.

    3) The courage to go "door-to-door" with an "unpopular message" does not really go beyond the skill or "courage" level of your average telemarketer or door-to-door encyclopedia salesman.

    In fairness, I have seen people improve their reading skills and overcome fears of public speaking by being in the dubs, but good lord, what a price to pay, when these same skills can be obtained in the public education system or by joining a local "Toast Masters" chapter.

  • wonderwoman

    Maybe all of the counsel in the TMS helped some learn valuable communication skills. Like others have said, I also learned more in one college class than the 18 years on stage with Bro. Know-it-all telling me how to speak up.
    But, the funny thing is...when you're washing windows and scrubbing floors in the wee hours of the morning...who the hell will you be speaking to?

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Good Post Wanderer,

    I too agree that there are pro's and cons, but not as JWs see them.
    One thing I noticed more than anything else is that they are good at getting people who at one time had no interest in studying the Bible to consider it. This is kind of what you are talking about when you mention the discipline and instruction that brings you into a routine that may be better for many of those who have a hard time getting themselves organized.
    There are also nice people at the hall, and there can be many other pleasent expierances as well. I have known quite a good number of people at the Kingdom Hall that are very descent people. I feel that this usually has less to do with the fact that they are Jws and more to do with who they are as people.
    In the end though, I (like many others) feel the cons more that outweigh the pros. It is a deeply flawed religious organization. Just think about it, over the past 25+ years I think the JWs have a statistics that show about half (50%) of all members end up leaving the organization. Why are that many people leaving? Last years memorial I believe was well over 15 million, but there are only 6 million JWs. Why do so many no longer associate regularly with the congregation?
    It is a very flawed religion in many ways. The absence in civic life creates an atmosphere in their congregations that 'only the truth' matters, and that all other organizations are part of 'satans world'. Their is an unhealthy balance of 'us verses them' in the congregation. The idea that the world is against them, and are going to try and destroy them in the future because of the knowledge of the truth.
    Because of all this Witnesses suffer in many differant ways. Most importantly they are not told the truth regarding other religions and their doctrines but instead are fed lies in order to demonize all those on the outside. It's unhealthy, unethecial, and down right unchristian.

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