The pro's and con's of being in the truth

by The wanderer 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer
    To Each His Own

    It is understandable that individuals who read this thread will more
    than likely become offended and to those who feel as such I will
    apologize. Perhaps, those who have an absolute contempt for the
    Watchtower Society should stop reading so as to not become so
    offended .

    Certain Positives about the Organization

    Admitedly, an individual who did not have a very good education
    or who lacked good study habits or disipline, being in the organ-
    ization did teach these skills. Honestly, there were certain things
    that were advantageous such as public speaking, oratory and
    commentary and the courage to go door to door with an unpopular

    If these skills are applied correctly in life, they can enhance you in
    your career or in everyday life.

    Not an apologist but a realist

    Does this mean that I either defend or excuse the Watchtower
    Bible and Tract Society? No, in the eyes of humanity they are
    still guilty for misleading millions of individuals and causing
    more harm then good. However, considering myself an open
    minded individual, one has to take into account the pro's and
    con's of any given situation---unfortunately there are more con's.


    The Wanderer

  • earthtone

    There are pros'!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • purplesofa
    Admitedly, an individual who did not have a very good education

    or who lacked good study habits or disipline, being in the organ-

    ization did teach these skills.

    You know how when an elephant is on a chain for a long long time .......only walks to and fro for a few feet.......even when the chain is released?

    That is how it was for me for a long long time after only being allowed to read one paragraph at a time and analyzing it and hearing comments about the paragraph which was usually only a repeat of what was just read from the paragraph.

    Once these skills are learned of uneducated people......they are forever bound to them......It's very difficult to have time to read anything but the publications they print.........

    I really grew to hate the study habits of the organization.


  • collegegirl21

    I kind of agree with what you have to say. I understand what you are saying about the public speaking skills. They do teach you that sort of stuff, but if that's the only good thing, then I think I'll stick to where I am at.


    The Cons,where do I start..How about:"The organization that runs the Jehovah`s-Witness`s,the WBTS is corrupt..Jehovah`s Witness`s spend thier lifes following a corrupt organization,the WBTS.".....Hows that for a start?...OUTLAW

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    The TMS [public speaking and reduction of shyness] is generally viewed as a positive in my mind. However, it's benefits are far outweighed by it's destructive side. The orientation of the organization is still devoted to preaching a false hope and lies. This deep seated indoctrination is destructive to lives long after leaving the organization.

    I say, if you want to learn better social skills and public speaking, take a course or two from professionals.

    That said - true - not all that comes out of the WTS is evil or bad, but the entire package is evil and bad. I think one has to look at the sum of all the parts, and not give them a 'pass' due to some redeeming aspect of the religion. One could possibly have found redeeming parts of Jim Jones' or David Koresh's organizations too. But in the end it was fire and poisoned kool-aid.


  • JWdaughter

    Toastmasters is a good alternative to the ministry school if you simply need to learn how to speak in public. It is better in that they have more than one subject to speak on, one isn't told what to say or think and overall, the skills are something that can be put on a resume. How many people want to put WT involvement on a resume? EWWW. Unemployment anyone?

  • Gregor

    If you think it is worth eating a whole bowl of shit because there may be a few kernels of corn in it that's you're decision. There are ways of achieving those worthwhile things you mentioned outside of JWs with just a little effort.

    If you are saying IN HINDSIGHT, that your JW was experience wasn't ALL bad, then I give you the benefit of the doubt and my condolences that you had to sacrifice so much for a such a little corn.

  • Gregor

    P.S. Do you realize that referring to the WTS scheme as "the Truth" is like sticking toothpicks in the ears of most here?

  • JamesThomas

    Welcome, wanderer.

    If the planet Earth explodes, there will be no more hunger, war, or suffering---unfortunately there are more con's.



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