The Bible is NOT the word of God

by sinis 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    The Article:
    This God that ignorance found, or formed, looks a great deal like a man. They tell us it has a face, hands, bowels, a foot (maybe two). They tell us it has nostrils and likes to smell the burnt offerings upon the primitive altar.

    [NOTES: Face: Ex. 33:11,20,23; Num. 14:15. Hands: Ps. 28:5. Bowels: Jer. 31:20. Foot: Is. 37:25. Maybe two feet: Ps. 18:9. Nostrils: 2 Sam. 22:9,16. Smell burnt offerings: Gen. 8:2]

    These are examples of anthropomorphism.

    The Article:
    This God, that ignorance found or formed, also has remarkably human desires and emotions. It hates, it loves, it feels anger and it feels compassion. It has favorite individuals, and a chosen people. This God is definitely of the male sex, and has definite male tendencies. It is often angry, easily enraged, swears, destroys things, pouts, shouts, deceives, and often rests. Any wife would recognize God.

    [NOTES: Hates: Mal. 1-2,3, Rom. 9:11-13. Love: Deut. 7:13. Anger: Ex. 4:14. Compassion: Ps. 111:4. Favorite: Ex. 3:21. Chosen people: Is. 44:2. Angry: Deut. 9:20, 1 Kin. 11:9, etc. Enraged: 1 Sam. 6:19. Swears: Gen. 12:3. Destroys things: Gen. 6:17. Pouts: Ex. 32:9-10. Shouts: Ps. 47:5. Deceives: Jer. 20:7. Rests: Gen. 2:2]

    This oaf is plodding through the usual raft of objections to God. The text of scripture is clear that man is a being formed in the image of God. When one compares the God of the Bible to the greek myths there is a stark contast that shows clearly the difference between myth and fact.

    The article:
    This God that was found by a primitive and ignorant people some thousands of years ago, just happened to have the same world outlook, and the same beliefs about nature as the people who found him.

    This God has some obvious differences as does scripture to other ancient writings. One of them is that the faults of the hebrews and their heroes and defeats are bared for the world to see. The other ancient writings leave out defeats of the nation and the faults of the leaders, promoting them to deity in some cases

    The article:
    This God thought the sun revolved around the earth,

    Patently untrue and in much dispute even amongst scholars. The magi of the 'fertile crescent' very much understood the relation of the earth to the sun. What this oaf is doing is repeating a lie that has been told since it was imagined in the 1800's. This is the so-called flat earth idea that the enlightened idiots used to denigrate the Church.

    The article:
    and that a day could be made longer by simply stopping the sun for a while.

    Another example of giving a human viewpoint to a God-miracle

    The article:
    It is truly amazing, the number of similarities there are between the beliefs of God, and the beliefs of the people who discovered God.

    Duhhhh, what would you expect from a people who worshipped God? Oh btw, the Israelites were persistent in their pagan practices as well so this point is invalid, misleading and misguided.

    There is not much sense in wasting time on the rest of it. You will find plenty of reasons not to believe because that is what you are looking for. Your axioms are in control of your conclusions and they are foregone conclusions! The proof of the naive and easily convinced characteristics of ex-dubs is again evident.


  • Gill

    ShinningOne - The dead sea scroll 'problem' has been a problem to christianity for a lot longer than the few minutes it took for you to read that essay.

    However, if you feel happy worshipping a homicidal maniac, then more power to your elbow to you!

    Each to his own.

    As my mother always tells me when I rebuff her bible beliefs 'You're to clever for me! But I've got Jehovah on my side because he chose the stupid people of the world to be his servants.' Sort of says it all, doesn't it!

  • Gill

    NM - Hope to hear more from you BUT, I will never be able to accept the Bible as God's word. There is NO God in that terrible book, just fear, and destruction.

    Yes, there is more than likely someone who made us, proven that there is good in everyone, (unless they have a serious mental impairment/illness that cannot allow empathy and love) and good and constant rebirth in the universe but this writer is saying that the bible is not the word of God and on that I have to agree with him.

    The truth exists only in the distant past before recorded history and we can never go back there. Trying to invent a story to fill that gap, the bible, is just that, a man made story with a man made God, with man made weaknesses.

    God, whoever he may be, is bigger than that. Maybe, we get to find out 'the truth' whatever that may be one day, when we pass on. More than likely we will never know. All I know, is that there is more love than hate, and more goodness than bad and that Bible God just breeds hate and destruction.

    In realising this, I have lost my fears that the bible God gave me in a long, almost forty years trapped as a JW, believing in what they proudly called a Fear inspiring God.

    Tomorrow is another day. I no longer fear it.

  • skeptic2
    Trying to invent a story to fill that gap, the bible, is just that, a man made story with a man made God, with man made weaknesses.

    Reminds me of a line from a song: "Man wrote the Bible, God wrote the rock".

  • JamesThomas


    Your axioms are in control of your conclusions and they are foregone conclusions!

    It may be wise to look in the mirror and say that. I have found self-examination most valuable.

    Why, experience an unending and awe-inspiring expression of life and universe, and at the same time accredit it's existence to a tribal anthropomorphic deity? Certainly, dear Rex, the actual and true origins of such wonder must be far greater still. What is this tenacious enslavement to a lesser god?

    Hope you are well, Rex. How's the wife?


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