Quick Question

by tattoogrl333 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    I recently got told that my KJV might be demonised, and that I should stick solely to the NWT <vbg>.
    I've gotta say that the seriousness on the faces of loved ones made me "righteously indignant" (<g>) at the superstition. What a mind job!!!

    LittleToe - (a dub elder who's mind has been recently blown WIDE open by Holy Spirit, and seriously humbled by it - I'll post a testimony soon).

  • NameWithheld2

    Tat, don't fret about it. They're entitled to their opinions, don't let them get you down. There are replies to your questions above, and more will come even if they are 'dumb' questions (and whatever is a 'dumb' question is open for interpritation).

  • Nannygoat

    Little Toe - looking forward to reading your experiences. Welcome!

    Tattoogirl - don't give up so easily. The search for Truth will be met with obstacles. It is how we overcome those obstacles that can make the search that much more rewarding. Please know that even though sometimes people are unkind or suspicious of motives, that we are all here for the same reason. We've been hurt from the WTS in some way and wish to help others from experiencing that pain. Sometimes that pain/frustration comes out in posts. I assure you - larc has many valuable posts to learn from. Please stick around!


  • Nannygoat


    The last couple of days has been stressful on all of us. But PLEASE know that many of us see and appreciate the work you've done to shed light on The Tower. I owe you and Kent, Max, and Amazing more thatn I'll ever be able to thank you for! And y'all did most of your research without the help of the Net? All I can say is bravo! You're work will not/has not gone unnoticed! As for Tattoogirl - she has the courage to wear pink hair for goodness sakes! Of course, she can handle your unusually brusque posts!


  • larc


    I just did a search on demons and brought back a thread to the top that discusses this. It's called, "Re: Demons in Garage Sales of Worse."

    Now after you read this and then talk to your study lady and she says this isn't true, who are you going to believe?

  • larc


    I never called you a troll. It is always a good idea to go back and reread what someone wrote before addressing them. Also, you will note above that I took some time to provide information for you.

  • Budda Belly
    Budda Belly


    I have been inactive for 12 years now
    and have no plans on returning soon.

    I still have many freinds in the "truth"
    and they remain in touch with me and
    respect my way of life now.

    When I left Bethal, it was an elder
    who hired me into a reputable firm
    and gave me the break I needed at the

    I have asked him and in my will that he
    act as the Minister in the event of
    serious illness or an early death.

    When people ask me "what religion are you?"
    I state thet I no longer associate with
    religion, but that if I were forced to
    declare one, i would say "Jehovah's Witness"
    without hesitation.


    Well. I was born into it.
    Believed it at the time.
    And "took" from it many things
    that now mold me as a person today.

    If the Watchtower ever reformed itself
    I would consider returning.

    Like I tell the Brothers and Sisters
    when I bump into them..

    The Society is made up of many peoples
    with alot to offer and learn as well.
    It is just to bad that the policies
    push people away. If all of the ex-witnesses
    were still associated with the witnesses now, it would
    be a larger force in the world today and could
    do alot in the way of outreach and charity.

    If you choose to become a Witness , you can
    always choose to leave. But many had to endure
    until the age of 18 to leave their parents

    I stayed until I was 22. I served at Bethel
    and was saddened by the waste of resources
    and talent that are wasted om such a sort sighted
    purpose and goal.

    The Watachtower could become an institution like
    Harvard or the Smithsonian.

    But it's shortsightedness and and lack of
    "being real" in today's world prevent it
    to progress to a world class entity
    with the respect of its fellow citizens
    of the world.

    That is why I left, but it pains me
    to see that all of my energy and youth
    did not make much of a lasting impression
    as the Watchtower goes thru members like
    a dirty undershirt.

    Keep asking questions so that you may
    make an informed choice about your involvement
    with the local congregation.

    P.S. Everyone wants the world to be a better
    place, but we need to take advantage
    of the moment that had been given us
    to make it better.

  • larc


    I just brought back another thread, "Directing versus Allowing" where the demon belief is discussed. After you have read these two threads that I brought to the fore, tell us what you think the Witnesses believe.

  • gumby

    "Why dont you ask your study conductor"??????????
    Billy goat hit the nail on the head when she said"Wouldn't we RATHER she ask us and then make a decision, instead of making a decision solely based on JW's input? Sometimes I wonder if you WANT these people to STAY JW's."
    Help this person out people!!!
    Why the hell don't all of you who posted this ridiculous comment go ask JW"s for asnwers when you need them?

  • larc


    You can also go to the Freeminds site at the bottom of this page. After you get there go to search and put in the word "demon". There are two topics there that cover other examples of JW stories on this subject. They are: Urban Lore from the Watchtower World, and Favorite JW Superstitions.

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