Quick Question

by tattoogrl333 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • tattoogrl333

    Quick non bombing related question.
    I mentioned to my study lady that I have the satanic bible and read it. She then told me I should get rid of it by either throwing it away or burning it. Why is this. She said something about demons being able to use the book to get to me. How would that happen? Then how do you determine what to get rid of, I have a pretty hardcore Guns n Roses poster can satan use that? Is there a list of things you can and can't have?

  • larc

    Why ask us. Ask your study lady. She will tell you what to keep and what to destroy.

  • Billygoat


    That, my dear, is an example of how superstitious the JW's are. They believe that Satan has as many powers, if not stronger, than Christ himself. That he can "get to you" via physical items. Items like posters, books, jewelry, a cross, stuffed animals...the list could go on. Ask her where in the Bible does it show demons/Satan can get to you via a physical article. I'll bet she can't show you.

    (((Tattoo))) Glad you're back!


    PS: What was her reaction when you told her you read the Satanic Bible? Heehee! (((:D))) I would have LOVED to been a fly on that wall!

  • NameWithheld

    Oh boy, here you go with the DEMONS! Beware the DEMONS are scary creatures who inhabit all sorts of old furniture, books, tapes, (probably found a sneaky way into CDs too knowdays), and all sorts of other objects. The DEMONS are out to get you. In fact thge DEMONS have nothing better to do than try and possess you or one of your objects. No one knows for sure what they are trying to accomplish, but it seems to have something to do with Smurfs. And moving your car keys around or hiding them. Oh, and making things go 'bumb' in the night.

    The DEMONS are yet another method of control by the WTBTS to instill fear into the rank and file. A fearful people is a controlable people. It's also useful for making you git rid of any objects they would rather you not have. Better not read that apostate book, the DEMONS are in it. Better not read that Satanic Bible the DEMONS are in it. Better not watch that R rated movie the DEMONS will get you. Better not go to a yard sale, the couch you buy will have DEMONS in it.

    I've never known a more frightened people than JWs and their DEMONS.

    And YES, the DEMONS are in your Gun's n Roses poster. You just don't know it yet.

  • tattoogrl333

    Once she picked her mouth up from the floor she didn't say to much. she just said you read that in an extremely surprised raised eyebrow way. Then she asked me about what it said, and about the rituals. It all started when we were going over the Knowledge chapter on Spiritism. Gotta love that Knowledge book

  • larc


    You have posted here for nearly three months. You have continued to study and go to meetings at the Kingdom Hall. Why do you come back and ask for our input. We have given you plenty of information. Since you continue to associate with the Witnesses, I think you should ask them your questions. As I said before the woman studying with you can tell exactly what you need to destroy.

  • msil

    Tattoo - I do not understand what you are here for.

    What do you want from us? You want to study with JW's but then you want to come here and ask silly questions also.

  • MrMoe

    I beleive she posts here and studies because she is torn. Confused and looking for answers perhaps? Let your heart be your guide and if you do believe in God as I do, please pray for direction. Stud yteh bible starting with the Gospels on your own and pick up a copy of Ray Franz's book Crisis of Concience. Please feel free to directly e-mail me if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to help. I was rasied a JW and can answer a lot of questions you have - from both sides.


  • dungbeetle

    If there are any trolls around...for your own safety...


    dungbeetle...cleaning up the crap.

  • lydia

    Why are you asking us?? I agree with MSIL and Larc, you need to ask your Study conductor..if you could call her that..She can direct you as to what if anything, you may say, do, Who to talk to, who to ignore ( I can't believe she is encouraging your input here)and of course what to think....need I continue??

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