Disaster Preparedness Announcement

by daniel-p 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    I would think that in most disasters, your phone won't work anyway.

    When we were in Hawaii one summer, a hurricane was approaching. We called the local elder we knew about, and he told us to go to the high school if there was a call to evacuate homes. That is where they would give detailed information.

    It fizzled before it could hit the island, but we sure had rain and big waves.

    After the big Alaska earthquake in 1964 all the congregations in our area in Washington State had earthquake preparedness parts on the service meetings.

    I don't see this thing as a big deal. Maybe it's a kindness even.

  • daniel-p
    After the big Alaska earthquake in 1964 all the congregations in our area in Washington State had earthquake preparedness parts on the service meetings.

    lol. It's always after a big earthquake they start instructing people about preparedness. I remember back during the '89 quake in SF and how all the teachers in school had to do earthquake drills almost daily. Now they do it, like what, once a semester?

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    ""My wife brought home a document that they wanted filled out to be returned to them. And when I flat out refused I guess she filled it out herself and turned it ini."" Anyone have a copy of this paper? Please scan it in and lets take a look at it

  • blondie

    This is a new procedure as far as I know, 50 years in the WTS and never this; I think the WTS got caught BIG TIME with its pants down during recent disasters because the local elders did not take it seriously enough to keep an accurate list of the names, addresses and phone numbers of the publishers. I know many elders who feel it the WTS doesn't "order" them to do something, it is optional.


  • sammielee24
    Anyone have a copy of this paper? Please scan it in and lets take a look at it

    I'm with Worldly Andre on this one - can we get a scanned copy up? sammieswife.

  • blondie

    I would think this would illegal under the UK Data Protection Act. Filling out such a form and keeping it on file.

  • Alana
    In the past, I thought they were discouraged from keeping records to that degree on people...you know.....just in case the government turns against them.

    I was wondering the exact same thing. I remember when I was a kid (about 10 or so) my dad told me that there will come a time when the police will come to get me and will torcher me so I will tell them where everyone lives. Now all of the sudden they want to compile a list. Won't that just give the expected gestapo police what they want?

    You all beat me to it. I also remember how we used to have a congregation listing with names, addresses, and phone numbers. This was distributed to anyone in the congregation who wanted it. My dad (meaning, of course, ME) took care of updating it. Then after some meeting with the CO or something, this was suddenly wrong and we were to destroy all copies and not keep any kind of personal list of our own at home, in case of persecution. That way the authorities would not be able to track down the entire congregation and throw us all in prison (like in Nazi times), etc..... So, I wonder why no concern for that now? (I used to also update the listing of all the elders for each congregation in the circuit......wouldn't that be fun to have? )

  • Warlock

    If the elders were taking care of the congregations like they are supposed to be, they would only have to update the information and not gather a bunch of new information.


  • ronin1

    When my husband and I were in the Lakeview Cong in Queens, NY -our entire congregation had a list of all in the cong, their addresses, and phone numbers.

    This is not unusual at all, and it does make sense in case of disasters, etc.

    On the flip side, it may be the orgs way of keeping tabs on everyone, etc.

    Who really knows the warped minds of leaders of a cult?


  • Stealth453

    After having read this threat I am convinced of one thing more than anything else.

    Man I am I ever glad that I will never ever ever ever have to put up with their petty bull$hit again. Ever.

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