At what point did the WTS become overly controlling?

by jambon1 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • plmkrzy

    Re: At what point did the WTS become overly controlling?

    July 26, 1931

    I remember when it didn't seem to be so controlling. The 70's I remember lots of activities, ball games, pot-lucks were really big. I went away for several years and when I returned things were different. Really different.

  • james_woods

    But it (the onset of micro-management control freaking) was like boiling a frog in water that is only heated slowly...

    I can just imagine that if in 1976, they suddenly told everybody that this years assembly will have no food service, rations on TP, assigned hotels and parking, and you will be assigned your seat and warned not to be walking and talking during the session. Elders will be spying on you. You must also dress a certain way, including wearing your stupid name tag even when you go into a store or restaurant.

    Then, during the special talk, Franz announces that the 7000 year creative day didn't really mean that, the "generation" just meant a long general time period, that blood fractions were OK, and that - Oh, by the way, Jehovah has led us to join the UN as an NGO to gain access to their great spiritual library.

    They would have just thought they had a problem with people walking out after 1975. Yet, they have slowly done every bit of the above and nobody even noticed (except for a few fed-up apostates).


  • ronin1

    When they started with the different committees.


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