I'm a nervous wreck! (rant)

by MsMcDucket 28 Replies latest social family

  • MsMcDucket

    First they told me that my mother was in a persistent vegetative state, and that we (the family) should cut off her oxygen and feeding tubes. I told them that it was too soon to be saying that or making this diagnosis. They had my family believing this. I had to convince them that mom was not in a persistent vegetative state. Sure enough, she wasn't! She's trying to talk, wants water, moves around in the bed, tries to hug us, knows who each of her children are. . .

    Now, they say that since she's neurologically stable (not a vegetable) that she needs to get the mass out. This mass could be a goiter they said, and it's huge, and it's intrathoracic. My mother had a partial thyroidectomy about 16 years ago. This thing grew back! Do you know what that means to me? alt

    I had to have a trach after my thyroidectomy. The doctor only removed 3/4 of it. He, also, managed to paralyze both my vocal cords (and that ain't all) during the surgery.

    I worried about my mother and I'm wondering about what all of this means for me. . . I know, one thing at a time.

  • carla

    I'm sorry for what you and your family are going through! Thank heaven you were there to talk with your family before they listened to the dr!

  • juni

    Are you saying then that your thyroid problem is hereditary? I'm still reeling from your first paragraph. My god. It's good you weren't hasty w/your decision about your mom. How is she doing right now?

    I send a BIG HUG your way. Talk to you more later.



  • misanthropic

    MsMcD That's awful.

    This mass could be a goiter they said, and it's huge, and it's intrathoracic.

    Why are they only removing with surgery, have they said anything about radiation therapy? I'm just curious.

  • parakeet

    Ms. M, so glad to hear your mother's condition is better than originally thought. With the surgery (or other treatment), maybe there's a chance for full recovery (???).
    With this new information about your mother, you probably should see your own doctor about your condition. It could have implications about your future treatment. I hope all goes well for you and your mother.

  • MsMcDucket
    Why are they only removing with surgery, have they said anything about radiation therapy? I'm just curious.

    The endocrinologist said that it would take too long to shrink with radiation. My mother's airway is compromised. They had to intubate her with a pediatric sized trach tube. The doctors said that the mass could completely obstruct her airway, cause a bad bleed; or if the trach came out, it that it would be difficult to get back in, if at all.

  • misanthropic

    Oh my goodness, that is scary. Was her endochrinologist not keeping tabs with her thyroid all this time since the 16 years prior to having a partial removal? How could they have missed something like that so it has gotten this bad? If she gets the surgery soon I hope you can get a darn good surgeon.

  • IP_SEC


    I dont rightly understand exactly what's wrong but it sounds bad. My heart goes out to you

  • MsMcDucket
    Oh my goodness, that is scary. Was her endochrinologist not keeping tabs with her thyroid all this time since the 16 years prior to having a partial removal? How could they have missed something like that so it has gotten this bad?

    That's my EXACT thoughts. How did they miss it? How come they weren't checking it? What type of thyroidism does she have? How does this affect the family?

    I just thought that it was a plain old goiter, and that it had been fixed. Now, it's a whole different thing!? Someone wasn't doing the proper testing for a person who has had a partial thyroidectomy.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    (((((big hugs))))
    I'm sorry you're going through so much Mrs McD.


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