I hope all Catholics are okay.....

by Tatiana 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tatiana

    A Catholic bystander....."I hope all the Catholics in the buildings are okay."

    A Mormon watching TV at home...."I hope no Mormons were in the buildings."

    A Baptist woman watching from across town...."I hope no Baptists died in the tragady."

    A Protestant preacher on Sunday..."I hope no Protestants got hurt."

    A Pentacostal Holiness youngster watching the mayhem...."I hope no Holiness were in the crowd."

    My JW niece on the phone...."I hope the bros. and sisters at Bethel are okay."

    I only heard with my own ears, the last statement. When you think of people of other religions saying these things, it seems beyond ridiculous.


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • NameWithheld

    The JWs are SO ingrained to think first of themselves. This is really making me sick. Think back to all those talks from conventions, about this or that tradgedy, and it's all about "No brothers/sis hurt", or they make a big deal about "2 of our local bros were killed" "so sad". NO thoughts or mention of the many others. Doesn't matter about the others, those were going to be burned up by flaming fireballs soon anyway. Or fall into a giant crack in the ground.

    Think Jehovah will hi-jack planes and use them as bombs in the big "A"? Of course he'd have to magically transport those poor JWs off the planes first.

  • waiting

    I've been in touch with at least half dozen jw family members since Tuesday - not one absolute word about 20,000 victims in New York.

    They were, however, concerned if a plane would crash in our city.


  • DIM

    how many times is this quote going to be posted? jeez.

  • Tatiana

    Maybe as many times as they keep showing the plane crashing into the building. You don't have to read it if you don't want to.....


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • Billygoat

    Interesting post. I have friends of all religious backgrounds. And now that I read your post, not one of those friends have said anything that some JW's are saying. Religious background has not even been a topic for discussion. But total concern for ANYBODY that is a victim or loved one of a victim, is all I've heard from them. I still shake my head in disbelief at the callousness and selfishness that I used to have as a JW. So sad. And yet so eye-opening for me today.


    PS: DIM - it should be posted as many times as it'll take to shake JW's up and realize their love for others is VERY conditional. I'm hoping these posts hit every JW lurker's heart.

  • tattoogrl333

    I guess I am self centered the first thing I thought was I hope my cousin is ok. It's human nature to think first of the people whom we know or have an affiliation with. luckily she was on vacation leave. I went to the JW meeting on Tuesday and we prayed for all the families not just the JW's.

  • DIM

    i just don't see why a whole new post is necessary. just ressurect an old post with those quotes.

  • nytelecom1

    no no tattoo girl....god forbid you should first think of
    someone you are related to, spritually or physically

  • waiting

    The amount of posts doesn't matter - look at the board.

    Hey tattoogirl

    No, you're not selfish in any way. It's human to worry the most about people we know, that we love. But we should also expand our compassion towards others, even if we don't know them.

    I'm glad that at the meetings, prayers were said for all victims. Along with prayers - action should be encouraged. Action to help - as in giving blood, money, time if we live near there.

    Can't give blood or we don't live there? Check out MSN home - they have a click to the major relief groups - RedCross, UnitedWay, and Salvation Army. We can donate as little or as much as we can to help all victims.

    It's time to do something concrete -something positive. We can pray later.


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