What will happen when all those older witnesses fall sick and eventually di

by JH 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • VM44

    The answer...they will be forgotten!

    For example, how many faithful JWs who lived during the 1930's and 40's are remembered today?

    What did all that slaving away for the Watchtower accomplish? Nothing! Nothing at all.

    They simply were living in a fantasy world created and sold to them by the Watchtower.


  • aniron

    Reading the above got me thinking about my old "home" congregation.

    Most of the older ones have died since I left, 6 years ago. They maybe 5-6 old sisters left, in their 70's - 80's.

    The Elders now are made up of "young" ones ages from 30's to 60's. The older JW generation has basically gone from the KH. This has been reflected I think in that the congregation has had more troubles in the last 5 years or so than in all the 20+ years I was there. More people have been DF'd or DA'd than ever, either was a rare event when I was there. In fact one or two of the Elder have had their own problems. A couple have resigned over certain things.

    It seems to me that the old style Elders, who were concerned with the "spiritual" side of things have been replaced with "organisation" Elders.

    Also the Watchtowers attitude to further education. Again at this years Conventions we have had the basic "why go to college or university, the end is near" talks. Its almost as if the WT attitude is "as long as you can read and write" thats enough, all you need to get a job.

    They will end up with a generation of JW's who will just not have the education, to cope with the problems and questions people will throw at them.

    It is just another method off control that the WT is using. Making sure that future JW's can't think for themselves.

  • greendawn

    Nothing will happen because there are more factors working in the JWs than just the correctness of their ideology, they love the myth of paradise and eternal life too much and many have a good social life or position in the JW society they don't want to lose.

  • jwfacts

    The Dumb and the Power Hungry will fill their shoes, not a bright prospect.

    With access to information, over time only the truly stupid will stay WTS believers so these are the Dumb that remain. (this is assuming the WTS does not totally morph into a new relgion)

    There will always be power hungry people that want to lead, they don't care if it is good or bad, true or not, they will just love the power.

  • M.J.

    It will demonstrate the fact that the Great Crowd class is pointless.

    A member of the "Great Crowd" is defined as someone who will survive Armageddon.

    But now that the original "Great Crowd" members are dying it rather defeats the point of it in the first place.

  • DannyHaszard

    Witness of the Watchtower Holocaust
    Millions now dying will never live

  • wannaexit

    When the old folk start to die off so will their generous contributions. Then what will watchtower do? I wonder.

  • DannyHaszard
    When the old folk start to die off so will their generous contributions. Then what will watchtower do? I wonder.

    Some of left their estates to the Watchtower corp and denied their children the assets thereby making another cycle of poverty that's what my JW grandfather did


  • Blueblades

    Where is the great crowd? What happened to the great cloud of witnesses? They are all gone. Forgotten.


  • Honesty
    What will happen when all those older witnesses fall sick and eventually die?

    They will find out the Watchtower lied to them but will not be able to go back in time and fix their own screw-up for believing it.

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