Before I return to my previous 'topic'...

by AGuest 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    Uh, larc... at risk of 'iring' you (and may you have peace)... may I ask who and/or what you mean by 'us' and 'we'... and keep in mine that the year was 1941?

    While indeed, my 'ancestors' (LOL!) resided on 'American' soil, they did not do so by choice... and the Japanese 'beef' wasn't WITH my folk. Yes?

    So, I am not sure WHAT 'you' should have done... but I don't think dropping a bomb on INNOCENT people was it. I mean, it wasn't like THOSE people declared war and deployed planes... yes? Or maybe you think that June Cleaver-san and her little Wally-san and Beaver-san were actually double spies and spy kids and were 'in' on the Emperor's decision...

    No, I have seen the pictures of Kamikaze pilots; didn't see any innocent women and children (or innocent men, even) in nary an airplane. May I ask what YOU 'saw'?

    And I again bid you peace... as always...

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • COMF

    When you pull that snotty, holier-than-thou "apparently for some" routine, you're looking down your nose at the mere scumbag earthlings you are so far removed from in your holiness. "Apparently," because you can't conceive of a legitimate reason why it would be so, but their words seem to bespeak it, so you're going with appearance even though they make no sense to you. "For some" because there are such godless swine in the world; oh, how much longer, o Lord, must thy servant endure these filthy unseeing, unhearing ones?

    Trouble is, in your condemnatory speech this time, you got a little too free with the condemnations and set yourself up for my question. Did a cute little dance around it the first time, which is why I had to repeat it.

    Okay, it's your thread now. Sigh, pray for relief, dismiss me with a wave of the hand; whatever. I'm done with this particular crock.


  • TD

    Forgive me Shelby. I got the distinct and perhaps mistaken impression from your initial post that you were drawing a moral comparison.

    Of course life is life. Of course the loss of life, regardles of reason is a tragedy. The mother of a perpetrator undoubtedly loves and grieves for her son or daughter as much as the mother of a victim. If that was the true nature of your comparison then I understand now.

    However if you are attempting to lump all loss of life together regardless of situation, motive, moral or historical context purely on the grounds that those ultimately responsible feel justified, then I will repeat your observation. You CAN'T be serious, can you dear one?

  • AGuest

    What the...???!!! BWWWAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!

    I'm sorry... I apologize. Truly.

    Apparently, O-Great-COMF-Who-Knows-SO-Much-That-You-Even-Know- Shelby's-Intent... NOT... you misunderstood me. My words... as well as my 'tone'.

    And I think that rather than even try to explain it to you... yet... I will let you think on just how you did that. Careful, though: a guys only got so many braincells to 'burn'. And I already smell 'smoke'.

    Oh, and it WAS my thread to begin with, wasn't it? So, as you requested... be gone! (Waving hand... )

    A slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    Actually, TD... and may you have peace... I was. "Drawing a moral comparison." May I ask... have you read Herodotus? Something to think about, yes?

    Peace to you.

    A slave of Christ,


  • Scorpion


    Pray to God that the USA finds the scum that perpetrated this tragedy and God is behind the individuals that carry out justice.

    Hopefully you will never have to go through what those in NY went through.

  • TD
    ....have you read Herodotus? Something to think about, yes?

    Yes, and I've also read The Rape of Nanking, also something to think about.

    If you were in fact drawing a moral comparison earlier then I am still curious as to its basis.

  • larc


    I think you know perfectly well what I meant by we and they. I meant the US government and the Japense government. Now, you explained what you think "we" shouldn't have done. What should "we" have done?

  • Cassiline


    Apparently, O-Great-COMF-Who-Knows-SO-Much-That-You-Even-Know- Shelby's-Intent... NOT... you misunderstood me. My words... as well as my 'tone'.

    your 'tone' is coming through loud and clear, haughty and judgemental.


    Please look at your heart and your intentions, reread you posts and see what a few have seen. But I dont expect you to do that.
    Your God will see, as he already has.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    What about us:

    your 'tone' is coming through loud and clear, haughty and judgemental.

    Have not we all been guilty of this, we all are pointing the finger, we all do it.

    Lets just try to be fairer in our judgements.

    This whole WTC thing has really made me think a lot more about being fair and not a rushing to judgement.

    When a 2 year old asks a complicated question how do you answer?

    How long have you LIVED and how long has God LIVED?100000000 to .0000000001
    Who is like God?

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