Why I joined this forum...

by UpAndAtom 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • UpAndAtom

    <div>My very first visit to this website several years ago, was because I wanted to find out what the “few surprises” were going to be at the Sydney 2003 convention. (I have family that are Jehovah’s Witnesses but I am not)

    It took a few months to sink in, but I gradually came to accept the “real truth” that these surprises are nothing of the sort. There is nothing surprising, shocking and in most cases, nothing new at all.

    Here’s some things that have stuck in my mind these past few years.

    They are a publishing company.
    Their members are called publishers.
    Non-publishers aspire to become publishers.
    They have territories and quotas.
    Members are kept very busy attending meetings to read books and magazines.
    Without regular printing of magazines, the members would have nothing to do.
    They perform no charity work of any kind. You can only contact them to arrange for a sales person to contact you regarding the possibility of becoming a sales person yourself.
    Detailed statistics are kept on all areas relating to business. The number of people fed, clothed, or helped in any material way is not kept. It has no bearing on the business at all.
    Members learn how to sell magazines and their stories.
    I was surprised to hear at a baptism that new members must pledge allegiance to Jehovah AND the publishing company. Without doing both, you cannot get baptised.
    Initially, they do not introduce themselves as Jehovah’s Witnesses when at the door, but instead engage in some kind of banter inside the latest issue.

  • Calliope

    that pretty much sums it up...
    of course there are the brain management tactics they use to ensure the "loyalty"
    of the members.
    and though they are all working publishers for the conglomerate publishing house,
    no ones gets paid.


  • Emma

    How succinct; this would be a tract to put on the windows of the cars in the kh parking lot.

  • Fleshybirdfodder

    Well said fallout boy!




    You hit the nail on the head.Everything is about the literature.Book study,Watchtower magazine,Awake magazine,Daily text,and all the 197 page books.Don't forget the Ministry School where you are taught every week how to present books not the Bible.Placing magazines where no one reads them.Leave them at hospitals,laundry rooms and cheapen GOD' S word.The counting of time and how many books,magazines were placed is a joke.Makes everyone feel that they don't do enough.Just count how many books each Witness purchases and x it by the millions and you get the idea what thier business really is. They have alot of Spiritual food allright!!!

  • IP_SEC

    Up and at dem!

    No no not up and at them, its up and atom.



    Amen to all of your bullet points.

  • Stealth453

    Yep. You have pretty much sumed it up. They are nothing but a business.

  • unclebruce

    Well said UpAndAtom, Welcome to JWD As Emma said, your summary would make a great tract

  • UpAndAtom

    It was only thanks to this forum and it's members that I fully appreciated just how important the printing business was to them. Ultimately however, it was the Jehovah's Witnesses themselves that showed their true colours. When I wasn't interested in their magazines, they were no longer interested in me. Pretty simple really. I had almost fogotten about Fallout Boy... thanks to Fleshybirdfodder & IP_SEC for reminding me. ha ha. However, the pun is a double-whammy for anyone that recognises the man in the photo.

  • IP_SEC
    double-whammy for anyone that recognises the man in the photo

    James Clerk Maxwell? Maybe Ernst Mach?

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