Damn blasphemer hit my PARKED Mini Cooper!!!!!

by Elsewhere 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere
    Not to worry kiddo it's just a car, no one was killed eh?

    You obviouly have never met a MINI driver.

    People "love" their cars... then there are MINI drivers. We take it to a while new level.

  • JH

    You can only go UP from here Elsewhere

    Gee, I'm sorry for all your problems you're having lately.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    You should report them to the elders immediately and they should be disfellowshipped, cast in the everlasting lake of fire.

    Or substance.

  • Bryan

    You really need to put your keys in the auto-icemaker and just finish that bottle of Jack!


  • uninformed

    I know someday that I would agree with bikerchic.

    Elsewhere, calm down, have a few beers and it won't seem so bad. (it was a nifty little car--I saw it at the apostafest.)


  • JH

    This isn't a field service car brother

  • serendipity

    ((( elsewhere ))) This won't matter in a few months after it's repaired.

  • bikerchic

    Oops...bikerchic.... great minds think alike...


    he,hee yeah I resemble that remark!

    Not to worry kiddo it's just a car, no one was killed eh?

    You obviouly have never met a MINI driver.

    People "love" their cars... then there are MINI drivers. We take it to a while new level.

    Awe actually Else I've been the owner of many pristine vehicles, bikes and motorcycles custom builds and such and what I've learned is this; they are material things, they drive down streets, roads and freeways at various speeds, close to the ground (read-dirt) and more worser things than getting hit in a parking lot can and does happen, IF and I mean IF this is the only bad thing that happens to your precious car it's the least of your worries.......it's really no biggy. Take a deep breath and RELAX! ER maybe thank jehober no one died in that wreck!

    Now I'm going to go hug my precious bike and count my blessings that an angry guy in a red mini cooper isn't driving on a road near me.

    Oh and if you're wondering I totally luv those cute little MINI cars, but I love you more and you're still alive and kickin'. Now go kick some real a$$ call your insurance agent and make that a$$hole who hit you pay up! That's why you pay the big bucks for auto insurance dude!

  • codeblue

    (((Elsewhere))) so sorry about you Mini..............

  • juni

    Hi Elsewhere!

    I love the looks of the mini Cooper!!! I feel really bad for you.

    Did you see the movie "Italian Job"? It has mini Cooper races w/the stolen goods; great movie. The actress (can't think of her name right now) owns one and did her own driving in the movie. Is it Scarlett Johanssen? I think that's the actress. She also LOVES her car.

    Good luck w/the repairs.


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