Whats the tallest tale you've spun and someone's believed it?

by misspeaches 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • misspeaches

    I was just remembering how one day I told my good friend that bed mattresses are made out of cigarette butts.

    Well I must have been very convincing because about a week later I happened to over hear her telling someone else about this 'fact'. I had to quickly stop her and tell her that I had only been joking!

    I still laugh when I think that she fell for that.

    Have you ever told a made up story or a tall tale that someone has fallen for?

  • Confession

    I have a circuit assembly memory. I was 18 or 19 and my complete wreck of a car had to get me back home after the Sunday session. The exhaust pipe had cracked, and noxious fumes were funneling into my car. While looking for a mechanic to fix it, I became lost in the cold darkness on a scary, city street.

    I am feeling hopeless and spot two bundled male figures lurking in the shadows. I get out and ask for directions. One cannot speak English; the other (perhaps Italian) gave me directions in halting English. He then asked...

    "In exchange for this information, you give me and my friend a ride?"

    Ordinarily I would have. More generous than I was intelligent. But you had to have seen these dudes. Really rough looking, standing against a buidling, alone in the darkness of night. I had to think fast.

    "I'm sorry, but (pointing) this is a government vehicle. I'm not allowed to let anyone inside."
    This might not seem very funny--unless you had actually seen my car. It was a '65 Dodge Coronet, and this was 1985. It was covered in rust and holes, with magic marker ink all over it. Think Cheech and Chong's car. The shadowy figures seemed to believe me though.
  • misspeaches

    LOL @ Confession. That was some quick thinking. Too bad your car didn't look like a govt vehicle. some people believe just about anything...

    People are funny!

  • Gregor

    You mean aside from telling a few bible studies that Armageddon was going to start in '75?

  • Nowman

    I went to 13 different schools. In the second grade, I went to 3. By the thrid grade, I went to my second new school. I was bored, I decided with this school, I was going to tell everyone that I was born in Italy and could speak the language. I would make up the Italian language and everyone believed me. I even made up a song in fake Italian and my friends would say "sing that Italian song" and I would, I kept it the same too. Then I became stressed because of my lies, eventually went to another school and did not have to lie anymore. What a relief.


  • Confession

    Wow, Nikki, you're cool. Hilarious that you did that. Reminds me of something I did a few weeks ago.

    I give group sales presentations for one of my clients on the weekends. They sent me to Birmingham, Alabama about 3 weeks ago. I was to give eight of these 45-minute long workshops. (Wow, same length as when I used to give Public Talks at the Kingdom Hall.)

    Anyway I got so bored with them, I decided to start speaking with a slight southern accent all the way through--so I could try to sound a bit like them. I have no problem doing this, since my mother and many relatives are from the south and it comes rather naturally to me. BUT not for 45 minutes!

    I was starting to slip out of it and became very nervous people were able to tell. I got through it--but not without much paranoia. Not gonna do that again.

  • Finally-Free

    I told people I was an ex-jw but I'm not. I'm really just a pervert who hangs out on discussion boards.


  • TresHappy

    I remember when I was a teenager my father tried calling the house incessantly because of a death in the family. I had been on the phone for hours when I was grounded (for bad grades). He came home ready to lower the boom and I acted like wtf - I said I hadn't been on the phone but that the receiver had fallen off the carriage (one of those old princess phones). He believed me! I said the bedspread must have knocked it off because the phone had been under the bed. He really believed it.


    Who used to forge her parents signature all the time class!

  • Chloe

    One time my sister was feeding the fish in my aquarium. She had one of those cubes of dried tubifex (sp) worms in her hand. I told her not to hang on to it too long or else they would start squirming. She dropped it like it was hot.

    Wonder why she got so mad when I started laughing.

  • sir82

    Several years ago, back when the internet was still in its earliest stages, our office had e-mail that extended just within the office itself. The office was pretty small, maybe 40-50 people. Also, our computer "network" extended just within the walls of the office--only good for sharing files within that physical location.

    I had a higher "security" rating on that primitive network, so on March 31, after hours, I created an e-mail account with a name similar to the boss's ("Richard K----" instead of "Rick K----"). I wrote an e-mail imitating his rather pompous writing style in spelling out new standards for the office, things like:

    -- Sign out sheets for paper clips

    -- Don't use the office copier for less than 10 copies--if you have fewer, wait for someone else and "copy-pool"

    -- Print queues for the computer printers now operate in alphabetical instead of chronological order

    -- All client meetings must be conducted in navy blue suits. All personnel should bring in a navy blue suit to leave in their office to change into for "emergency meetings"

    And so on. The e-mail was read on April 1, of course.

    Quite a few people actually believed it until the more rational members of the office reminded them to look at the date of the e-mail.

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