heated argument with "brainwashed" in-law

by DaCheech 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wednesday

    Yes, using the Bible scares them, they just don't have a snappy comeback. I recall in the early 90's I began to use the scriptures at the Bible study. I would hear gasps from others, ie, I was going out of the assigned comments and including scriptures in my comments. I will never forget a brother was there to conduct the study, he was a fill in. No one knew him. He was also using the scriptures and was so happy I was too. You would not believe the looks people gave us both, like we had 2 heads or something. He and I exchanged knowing looks. I wonder where he is now? One of us , most likely.

    Seriously, we were just using the scriptures, scriptures in addition to the canned comments. Reading from the NWT , too. They are afraid of the Bible.

  • TheListener

    Ask the dub what time period in history they'd like to live in. Garden of Eden not allowed as honest answer.

    Do research, if you need to, on the time period they selected and provide them information.

    They quickly see that they are lucky to be alive in this day and age.

  • Dismembered
    :(s)he said: "those people deserve to die for not believing the bible?"

    How nice! Typical brain-dead dunderhead dub comment. If they had 1/2 a brain they'd be dangerous.


  • Jeho-so-fat

    (s)he said: "those people deserve to die for not believing the bible?"

    I can tell from that, what you have said is made up, no JW I have known has ever said that, and no JW would ever say that.

  • willyloman
    I can tell from that, what you have said is made up, no JW I have known has ever said that, and no JW would ever say that.

    Welcome to the board, jeho-so-fat, you have much to learn.

  • BizzyBee


    Welcome to JWD!

  • PrimateDave

    *** the convention showed us how close we are

    LOL! I'll bet there are quite a few that think this convention is a big deal because "it's really close now!"
    Anyone who is aware of the state of world affairs at this time can deduce that some serious problems are facing mankind this century. The WTBTS is going to take advantage of the situation to maintain membership roles as new recruits dwindle, thanks to the internet. But, no matter what disaster (take your pick) may befall us and our children this century, no Kindom of God(TM) is going to intervene and bring about a Paradise Earth(TM). Sometimes I would like to say to JW's: You like prophecy? I've got one for you... If you're lucky, you might die an old man/woman in this world, because Armageddon ain't gonna save you!

  • DaCheech
    I can tell from that, what you have said is made up, no JW I have known has ever said that, and no JW would ever say that.

    And you know what???? maybe 500 of 6 million???

    Do you also know Palma Catanzaro that shore to my relatives that they would never die?

  • DaCheech

    Palma said this in 1970, she died 3 years ago

  • jeanniebeanz
    I can tell from that, what you have said is made up, no JW I have known has ever said that, and no JW would ever say that.

    You are dreaming, pal.

    My own mother told me that she had no desire to get to know my son since he was going to die at armageddon anyhow. If a grandmother, JW die-hard, could say that about her own grandson and in a completely cold manner, the above comment is only the tip of the iceberg in their cognitive dissonance.


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