Guess what's gonna happen to us Apostates

by Undecided 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    I picked up the bible while the site was down and this is the first thing I read:

    "For what is the hope of an apostate in case he cuts [him] off, In case God carries off his soul from him? Job 27:8

    It doesn't sound too good for us apostates as you read what will happen to him futher down.

    Ken P.

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    I'm only apostate from the cult.

    But I'm definately not an apostate from God and Jesus...

  • merfi

    Oh I don't believe in that silly Bible anyway. I ain't skeered.


  • parakeet

    What? the usual roasting, chopping, wailing, gnashing routine?
    I like some of the newer versions of hell. I saw a Far Side comic that had the Devil leading a bunch of old ladies doing leg lifts: "999,997, 999,998, 999,999, 1,000,000! Now the left leg!" It was titled "Aerobics in Hell."
    My own idea of hell would be to live in this world but everyone else would be an exact clone of me. Shivers!

  • jwfacts

    In case God carries off his soul from him

    A bit off topic, but that sounds very much like the Christian understanding of a separate soul, rather than the JW idea that a soul is the him. Does any one have links to any good discussions on this board about soul in the bible?

  • Stealth453

    It doesn't sound too good for us apostates as you read what will happen to him futher down.

    I don't know about that, most of us have already served our time in hell.

  • silentWatcher

    most of us have already served our time in hell


    amen. :-)

  • blondie

    Was that from the NWT?

    Have you checked out other Bibles? Do they use the word "apostate"?

    NIV, NLT, NASB, ESV, Amplified, ASV--godless

    NKJV, 21st Century KJV, KJV--hypocrite



    Message Bible--people without God

    NLV--man without God

    Young's Literal Translation--profane

    I was under the impression that the NWT was the only Bible that used the word "apostate" here.


  • mouthy

    But I'm definately not an apostate from God and Jesus...

  • nicolaou
    But I'm definately not an apostate from God and Jesus...

    I am! I'm a Superfine Apostate, the rest of you xians are just regular apostates.

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