New fundraising methods for the WTBTS!

by Gill 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    In this area, JWs just had personal garage sales, jumble sales, bake sales, etc., not labeling it for the new KH. Then they could donate that money if they wanted just couldn't be officially linked to the WTS or the KH.

  • Elsewhere
    In this area, JWs just had personal garage sales, jumble sales, bake sales, etc., not labeling it for the new KH. Then they could donate that money if they wanted just couldn't be officially linked to the WTS or the KH.

    Gotta love it... the Watchtower Society wants the money but not the legal liability.

  • Gill

    Oh the legalities in everything, when it comes to the WTBTS! Hence the quote that :'We told people that the money MAY be used for building KH's in Africa.'

  • SirNose586

    "I think he actually did put it in for all the other Elders knew about the arrangement including the secretary. And he was a nice bloke ,but it is funny how the Org has so many rules that you had to be careful not to trip over them!"
    I see. So the decision probably falls back to the old standby, of not letting any bad publicity get to the Org.

  • heathen

    That's so like the WTBTS to try and legislate how you can raise money for them . I guess they aint dying fast enough and leaving it all to the WTBTS . Maybe they could have a carnival freak show .... LOL

  • TheListener

    What's always bugged me about this is the hypocrisy. The witnesses would never ever ever go to a yard sale at a church or someone's home if the homeowner stated that the money was for their church.

    But, the witnesses will have their own yardsales specifically for the kingdom hall or worldwide work and not tell anyone who comes what the purpose of the sale is.

    It's more of the "we're better than the rest" attitude. It's ok to screw the worldly ones and have them secretly support us, but they better not trick us with their yard sales.

  • heathen

    LMAO@TheListener -- The garage sale has now become tactical strategy in spiritual warfare . Appearing to be the every day garage sale but yet supporting a religion that most people hate ......

  • nicolaou

    Notice how even the young dubs have learned to 'hedge' their language;

    We told people that the money may be used for meeting places in Africa where people could learn about the Bible. Many responded.

    No mention of Jehovah's Witnesses, Kingdom Halls or the Watchtower. Mention those key buzzwords and not so many would have responded. Conditioning in action.

    On a side note, is it Gill as in garden or Gill as in german?

  • Gill

    To think - this article may inspire many JWs in the UK to begin jumble sales and count their time on Saturday morning doing something a bit more fun. After all - It is for Jehovah!

    Nicolaou - It is definitely the softer 'g' as in the 'softer sex'! (Hopefully, not too soft in the head after too many years as a JW!)

  • nicolaou
    'softer sex'!

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