The whole story! Why my girlfriend was DF'd (super long)

by kgav8r 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • kgav8r

    At the suggestion of jgnat, i'm gonna pour my heart out to give the whole story of my current situation. I've also moved the thread topic to the friends category as i no longer consider this a private matter, so now everyone can help!!! I apologize for this being so long. To protect everyone, i have changed the names. Okay, here it goes:

    So i met Lynda at work. I remember the first time i saw her i was still on evening shift and she had just started. Her beauty was so captivating, but i am shy and didn't even approach her. This event planted a seed that i didn't know would grow. I saw her maybe two more times in the following weeks. Flash forward about eight months. My big opportunity: I had been moved to day shift. I had relly enjoyed evenings, and was only doing this as a favor for a coworker (who no longer works there by the way). I hadn't even thought of Lynda for months, but there she was and the sight of her took me back to the firs time i saw her.

    I didn't give it much thought, to me she was unattainable and probably married anyway. I mean, here was a young, beautiful lady and she was on the security force of a government contract company. In fact, she was the 4th in the chain of command the "officer in charge." She had to have som guy snagged up bye now, after all she was well into her twenties. Well, my coworker, Bob, kept pushing the issue. Bob is like the father i never wanted. Crude, rude, gross, and an all around good guy for good times! I blame him for hooking us up. He tried to push another girl, too. He said, "one or the other. Or why not both?" I finally started talking to the other, mostly flirtation. Lynda was different. I didn't even approach here until i was forced into it (okay, so maybe i kind of wanted it). I remember walking up to her, she staring me down wondering if this time i'd actually talk to her. I said, "Bob said you wanted to talk to me. I'm sorry about him, but you know how he is." she said, "Oh yeah, I know him! It's okay. If you ever want to hang out some time, give me a call. Extension 555. No pressure! Nothing major, we can just go play pool, have a beer, play playstation..." At this remark i must have looked shocked. I had never been asked out before, and certainly not by someone like that beautiful girl I first saw so many months ago.

    A couple of weeks passed and i still hadn't called her. Meanwhile the flirtations continued with the other girl. I became more comfortable with talking to Lynda. We actually had a few things in common. My former high school had been doing very well this season and i had attended most of the games. Turns out my former school and her daughters school were playing each other one night. Wait a minute!!! Did I just say her daughter?!?!? Yes, as it turns out, she has a 15 year old daughter. The beautiful young lady i believed to be in her mid twenties turned out to be in her late thirties. WHAT!!!! I still don't believe it. I admit that our age difference scared me at first. It is no longer an issue, i mean, really, what's a few years between friends? Even if it is 15. I went to the game that night and looked everywhere for her. Finally, when it was almost over, ther she was looking for me. We talked for what seemed like forever. The game was over and she invited me to eat pizza with her and her daughter of course. Like she said, it was nothing major. Mostly small talk, "What are your interests and aspirations," and what not. Her daughter mostly spent the time with her own friends. I could tell she was a good mother, too. Overall, i enjoyed the evening and our time together. I was still a bit shy, though.

    She took me back to my house as i had hitched a ride to the game with my family. There we said goodbye and i told her daughter that it was nice to meet her. A week passed, and it was becoming easier for me to talk to her. In hindsight, she must have really dug me back then. I remember other employees telling me how she never showed her face until i came to dayshift. Coincidentally, we were both going to the same football game again. This time it was a college game. I didn't even expect to see her there, but amazingly she was just about the first person i saw when i arrived! We said our hellos and chatted a bit, but the game would soon start and we had different seats.

    The following monday at work, everyone knew something was up. Bob was still pushing for me to choose one of them to take out on a date. Lynda and I kept up the small talk, and i felt increasingly comfortable with her. Finally two weeks later, i dialed 555 and asked her out for a beer. She agreed and we met the following night. I was so excited about the evening. She picked me up and we went to a bar & grill. It was so stormy that night, i'll never forget. We chatted again about our interests and commonalities. It was here i found out she had been recently divorced after a marriage of seventeen years. I felt so bad knowing what she had been through. I felt good (in more than one way) and we soon headed to the car. She started it up and just kind of waited. I looked at her and said, "What?" She looked back and uttered the words i will never forget: "Kiss me." We had a pretty heavy make out session in the parking lot of the bar & grill, but we didn't care. It felt so right. She sent me home that night with the shakes. I didn't want to leave, though. It may have lasted longer had she not needed to rescue her sister from the storm.

    At work, she apologized for her behavior. I told her it was not necessary, but she insisted. We continued that for about 3 more weeks. Then we had the discussion. Strangely, her biggest concern was our age difference. This is also where we talked a little about her being a JW. I minored in religious studies, so there wasn't much for her to hide. I almost thought this would be our last evening together. I held her close and she told me that it was the safest she had ever felt.

    Okay, at this point the JW seed is planted. I'm thinkin that shes not an active member, and to a certain extent she was not. Apparently the divorce caused a split in her congregation. Her ex spread lies and several of his buddy elders helped him in doing so. Her sister, Gracy, (who, by the way, is not a blood sister but actually her best friend) hated me by this time. I am a worldly man and bad association. I guess Gracy's parents were on Lynda's ex-husband's side. Talk about someone being thrown in the middle! This all must have been very tough for Gracy who also has an eating disorder.

    Eventually Gracy grew close to me and no longer hated me and couldn't no matter how hard she tried. This spelled trouble for Gracy's parents. They wer nasty to Lynda, and confronted her several times at the Hall. I witnessed them driving by Lynda's house just to see if i was there with Lynda and if Gracy was there, too! Talk about a witch hunt! We had been dating for 4 months and by this time knew we were in love. There were several times that i would get the look from Lynda that this just wouldn't work out. I think a lot of it was pressure from Gracy's folks. Gracy's father is an elder and her grandfather? You guessed it:
    PO!!! Well, enough time had passed and i had stayed the night at Lynda's house several times. Sometimes event with Gracy there, too!!! We hever had sex in her house, though. Now it was time for Lynda to have a "meeting" with the elders. I knew this would be bad. They told her that she must stop seeing me, that she was setting a bad example. Keep the congregation clean and what not. This tore Lynda apart. I thought it was over, but i pushed her to stay with me, everything was going to be okay. Now it was my turn to go to the Hall.
    Memorial wednesday rolled around, and i was invited. This is the first time i met Gracy's parents. They gave me evil looks, especially her father as he shook my hand and said, "So you are KG, we have heard so much about you." What a snake. Well, my appearance didn't go over too well with some of the elders. Time for another "meeting" with Lynda. Her "privelages" were taken away and she was given an ultimatum to either leave me of be DF'd. I was so torn. I respect her freedom to choose whatever religion she wants, but i love her so much and cannot let her go. Lynda left for her parents house 6 hours away and didn't talk to me for a day or so while she cleared her thoughts. It was a long weekend, but i respected her enough not to bother her.
    Back at the defens company. Well, by now, word is spreading that we are a couple. This is no big deal to any of our employees, but the contract company Lynda works for does not allow their employees to date client employees if they are at the same facility or on the same shift. Time for yet another meeting, this one is legit, though. Her boss asked about our situation, and, of course, Lynda denied any relationship. No big deal, yet. About a week passed before she was temporarily put on leave while her district boss could further investigate the matter. Four days later, her district boss terminated her position all together but didn't give a specific reason. She didn't even know for sure why she lost her job. I chose to support her and her daughter and her sister (Gracy) until she could find a new job. A month and a half later, she was employed again. This time for a better company with benefits and vacation time and better pay. Lynda had none of those at her previous job. I feel it was all a blessing. As a bonus, she doesn't have to worry about getting fired for dating another employee, which, as it turns out, was the official reason given to her new employer.
    Everything seems pretty smooth for about 2 weeks. It's all looking up, until i decided to go to a Sunday meeting with Lynda. After the meeting, an elder came to her for a word in private. He claimed to have an e-mail she had sent to Gracy containing pornography. This was completely out of character for Lynda. The witch hunt continues. Lynda was ready to disassociate herself and would not even see the elders when requested. She basically said she was through. Things cooled off for a week and she met with the after all. Only this meeting was not about the porn. It was to decide whether or not to DF Lynda! It really caought her by surprise. Her biggest concern was not letting this happen until after the district convention. She appealed the decision, but it was no good. They DF'd her but did not announce it until the Thursday following the dc. This was good. Lynda was so worried about Gracy and her health. I too was concerned.
    Since Lynda has known me, she lost her job, got disfellowshipped, and her daughter has decided to move in with her father. It has been a week since the DF announcement. What a long week it has been. Communication between Lynda and I has improved since last thursday. We are almost normal, but i am still giving her all the space she needs. Check out my other thread to see the rest of this story! This will explain what has happend since the announcement.

  • LovesDubs

    Well thats quite a love story! But it certainly sheds a lot of light on the situation as well. She is divorced but is a JW so unless her exhusband has committed fornication or remarried SHE is not free to get involved with anyone else as only Adultery or death frees a person from the marriage bonds in the eyes of the JWs. (however her involvement with YOU and her subsequent DFing may have just freed her EXHUSBAND to go get hooked up with some little filly HE had his eye on. He might even be behind all this scrutiny on her. He may have even had you both followed, had you watched to get his "evidence") My husband and I are 10 years apart and I am the older one. We have been married for almost 20 years now so it can work in that regard. Her daughter seems to be wanting to get out of the fray since Im sure she must be a JW too. Shes old enough to decide that for herself it seems.

    If she was willing to DA herself then the DF is just her being fired before she could quit. Losing her job, her child and her family and religion in such a short period is very devastating. But I think I mentioned, I have known people who have hooked up against the wishes of the almighty Watchtower Society, got DFd, got married to each other anyway, then got reinstated a while later and got back their JW family and got the "man" too.

    Since she is DFd...tell her to come on in here and talk about it. I guarantee there are people in here who have been where BOTH of you are.


  • serendipity

    Hi kg,

    Wow, what a story! It's been a confusing whirlwind hasn't it. Lynda has lost a lot, though she's gained you. There's stress associated with change - positive or negative. It's good that you realize she needs some space to think about things. If you sense that's she's really through with JW's, you may consider inviting her here. As lovedubs said, there are others here who have been in similar situations who can offer support and suggestions.

  • Forscher

    Don't be too hard on yourself.
    I agree that she was probably being watched in the first play in order to find a way to DF her. You just happened to be the excuse which csme their way. I've seen senarios like this play out time and time again through the years. Now they are going to isolate her from her daughter as evidenced by her daughter now wanting to move out (you didn't mention it but her daughter has probably been pressured by the elders to do so, especiallly if the daughter is baptised) so no matter what happens your girlfriend is going to have a rough row.
    Just do the best you can for the woman you love and make her life as full and satisfying as you can. The pain of losing a daughter will always be there (even if she was to leave you, or marry you, and get reinstated, things will never be the same for her), but if you two are in love you can do much to help her have a great life. Get her to come on here. There are plenty of folks here who can help her because they've been exactly where she is at right now.
    I wish both of you the best!

  • kgav8r

    Thank you for the comments! It is quite a story, and it has been quite the ride!!! I realize that i may have left a few holes in the story, let me know if i can fill you in on anything. My biggest concern and my biggest problem so far has been Gracy. I know she put a lot of pressure on Lynda before to stay with the JW's and i almost lost her because of that. I almost look at this DF'ing as a blessing. I want to help open Lynda's eyes, but it is a very delicate situatuion. I'm not even going to attempt it at this stage, but maybe a few months down the road. It must be her choice, and her parents have been pretty supportive throughout all of this. They feel the same way, and have already lost their son (lynda's true brother). I'm not yet sure what is going to happen, it is way too early to tell. Right now she is leaning toward being reinstated. I think this is because she has lost so much and doesn't want to deal with it. There is so much pressure on her right now.


  • jambon1
    I'm not yet sure what is going to happen, it is way too early to tell. Right now she is leaning toward being reinstated. I think this is because she has lost so much and doesn't want to deal with it. There is so much pressure on her right now.

    At one time after I left the org, I felt like going back because of all the trouble it caused in my & others lives. I never did but this is a natural process.

    One peice of advice - please be a nice, kind and loving person towards all during this time. If you lose it for some reason then it will push her towards the org (maybe). The best way of dealing with things is to be understanding & caring towards ALL feelings (even if you dont agree with them).

    Best mate,


  • rolling rock
    rolling rock

    What a story... She needs to get on this board...

  • kgav8r

    I just realized i forgot one more detail. Between the time Lynda lost her job and her DF'ing announcement, she was involved in an automobile accident that totaled her car! She had been relying on me and Gracy to get her everywhere. Then she started her new job without a vehicle. After about three weeks she found a new (to her) car. THis was the monday before the announcement. So, add that to the list of things that have happened since we met: lost job, totaled car, disfellowshipped, and a daughter that is moving 800 miles away! What a life, i've told her for awhile i'm her little black cat.


  • jgnat

    I recommend the following date move for the two of you. I just finished watching it this week, and let me tell you, there are parrallels!

    I see two sand-traps in your journey of love.

    1. Gracie is far too involved in your GF's life. She needs to grow up and move on. But you can't be the one to say so. Your GF must come to this conclusion herself. At the very least, could you cut the purse strings?

    2. No mother should bear permanent separation from her daughter. I suspect the daughter moved in order not to be put in "spiritual danger"? Fifteen is a touchy age. They will do what they want regardless, and everything appears black and white. On the other hand, ex-husbands do tend to blow it with their teenage daughters. There may be an upper limit on how long the two tolerate each other. Do everything you can to support your GF in her efforts to maintain a relationship with her daughter.

  • kgav8r

    I agree with you 100% about Gracie, jgnat. I have had to bite my tongue several times in an attempt to not be cruel when speaking of this matter to Lynda. I have told Lynda before, though, that Gracie seems more like a second child than a sister. Lynda agrees with me on this and she and Gracie have gone around and around concerning this, too. If by cutting the purse strings you mean not supporting Gracie, believe me, i wish i could. I have only given directly to Gracie on a few occasions. Mostly I give to Lynda who in turn gives to Gracie. Lynda, for whatever reason, feels obligated to take care of Gracie. I think this may be because Lynda was a mojor factor in Gracie moving out of her parent's home. Like i said, they are best friends and i enjoy Gracie's company, too, but we have always brought her along with us either personally or via text messages. Gracie is only 21 and i don't think she really knows what she wants. Once agian, in my view, she is more like a daughter to Lynda than the sister she claims to be. A sister would understand when the other needs her own time. Gracie is not like this; she is an attachment, a growth, if you will. I had thought this situation would put more distance between them. So far the effect has been limited.

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