Is is easier to just forget about religion as a whole??

by EC 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • EC

    I feel like I am getting bitter and that is onr thing I do not want to be...but this whole religion, God thing is gets to be too much...

    I do believe there is a creator, but have no idea what the purpose is.....I've tried the whole Jesus thing, but really that doesn't make too much sence to me where does that leave me??? In I would rather just forget it all...

    I have my family who are all JWs and have my hubbys family who are all Penecostals and to me neither one of them are any better...sure its a little better for my husbands b/c they can fit more in with society, holidays, etc...but they are still controlled out of fear.....

    I feel like I am on the Truman Show and any day someones gonna come around and say....Just Kidding!

    In so many ways I am free, but in ways I am trapped in this never ending farris wheel ride that I just can't get off of...

    And what is so weird now is my children are all young and they are all looking forward to holidays and birthdays, but so much of it is silly for me...I love the way a decorated house looks at Christmas...but I can't see myself doing it...I think I would slit a gut if I had to blow out candles..

    It is kinda like looking at the million dollor mansions on TV....sure you can talk all day long of how you would love one and what you would do if you could afford it, but really what would it be like if it was a reality?? Would it be all you thought??

    I don't even know what to tell my kids about God anymore and how do you talk to him?? Does he listen? They want to believe something and really I do to...but religion can't offer that to me anymore..

    Any church, any religion is like looking at a beautiul yummy cake with a couple of cockroaches sticking out the side...I mean you can't really eat around the roaches without gagging....

    Wow!! This is long....I don't post much, but needed to vent and I appreciate it!

  • blondie

    EC, there is no true atheist or agnostic either.........just different types; in my experience living in the center of the Freedom From Religion crowd.

    The important thing is to find your center; what values and beliefs matter to you, have found practical application. Then learn to let others do the same and be responsible for their choices.

    It's much better to concentrate on spirituality and how we fit into the world of life as a whole. Doesn't happen overnight though and the search is never over, continues throughout our lives.

    Good rant.


  • In Between
    In Between

    Good post!

    It's easier for me getting away from the J.W. if I maintain my deslike for all religion. I believe there is a God, but if he's watching what's going on down here, he can't be too happy. Maybe in time I'll come to have some spiritual side, but right now I'm working on other things. Maybe it will work that way for you too. I hope you find some inner peace regarding this. I know it can be frustrating. Best of luck!

  • SirNose586

    I'm finding myself in the same boat. Now that the main doctrines are becoming discarded, were they wrong about everything? Do I have to throw the baby out with the bathwater?

    That's probably going to be the hardest part, the de-Watchtowerifcation. The only thing I can think that will do it is a the good bible I do have, the New International Version. It's already so encouraging, because Jesus isn't relegated to great-man-plus-super-angel-but-not-really-god status like he is in the publications.

  • free2beme

    I don't block or or forget the days that lead to the creation of who I am today. I did however learn enough to realize I was not in the right line of thought or faith, and left Christianity for a more Pagan approach.

  • jwfacts

    If religion is getting you down give it all a break.

    Who were some of the most outstanding biblical characters, and most loved by God? Noah, Job, Joseph. They did not associate themselves with any religion, church, holy document. They loved God and were loved back. I think that is the safest starting point.

  • Synergy

    You are not bitter, you are normal. We all have those feelings. I would encourage you to forget Religion and concentrate on RELATIONSHIP. God doesn't call us to a denomination, he calls us to himself. God wants our worship, our friendship, our faith, not a lable. Jesus had a relationship with God, not a religion. Same of the apostles. As you are on your search, ask God to reveal himself to you the way that he wants you to see him. So many times we try to identify ourselves by a lable or a group of people and God gets left out of it. He'll show you what's the right path for you and it may very well be what you least expect. You can be close to your creator anywhere. Go for a walk in the park and talk to God. You will find God in your heart and mind through prayer before you find him in a church. Once you do find him, we are called to be in fellowship with believers so you may feel that you do want to seek association at a church home. But I would focus on a relationship rather than a religion. Don't beat yourself up. Just don't give up faith in God. Best wishes to you in finding the right path for you.


  • whyizit

    YES!!! FORGET RELIGION! But, PLEASE, do not for get GOD. If you pay close attention to Jesus in the Bible, He was always anit-religion and pro-relationship. He always got on the Pharisees about their religious-ness. It was all rituals, rules, and regulations. Love on condition. Jesus blew a big fat hole in all their religious "stuff" and brought it all down to 2 commandments.

    A really good book to read on this subject is by Greg Albrect called Bad News Religion. I think there is a website too. He used to be in the Armstrong religion. He basically lays it out. Religion is not what Jesus was all about. And he proves it through the Scriptures. (Not just paraphrasing a sentence, but by having you read the entire context.)

    He made a statement that really touched me. He said "Do not give up on God, just because humans did such a bad job of representing Him". I thought that was very appropriately stated. If we paid more attention to the Bible and to what Jesus had to say, and less to what our human counterparts want to make Him in to, and what they would have us believe the Bible says according to them, then we all would be a lot better off.

    I hope you can take a break from religion and get some mental rest. Prayer is good, but maybe you are not ready for that. One day, you'll find what God REALLY has for you. Keep me posted on your journey!


  • jgnat

    Your religion-exhaustion is totally understandable. I think you need a Sabbatical on religious choices, for a year at least. Give yourself time to gain some perspective.

    Remember, the JW's insist you have to have it all sorted out. The Pentecostals are very much the same. Who says? Trying to nail everything down after what you have come out of will just lead to frustration and confusion.

    A year or so from now, write down what you love, what your passions are, what makes you sad, what you most enjoyed doing as a child. Know who you are before you go figuring out the meaning of the universe.

    You may never be able to walk in to another church again, because of your history. Is that the worst thing?

  • freedomlover

    HI EC.

    I hope you got my PM through my hubby.....

    I felt the same way at first. especially when family members started cutting me off and the shunning began.

    I don't know if I'd ever set foot in another church but I am beginning to be able to tolerate listening to other religious viewpoints. Just stay with the emotions you have now. Don't force them either way. Let it sit with you for awhile. Time has a way of sorting things out. I would say you'll probably start to get more comfortable with going with your gut. (something that was sooooo wrong in JW land) You'll start to be able to judge things on what *feels* right to you.

    your feelings are normal and just part of the process......


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