Holidays in our country

by Lady Lee 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I have noticed a few times that not all countries celebrate their holidays on the same day as Canada or the US. Canadians have a better knowledge of the American holidays because we tend to watch many American TV shows.

    Some holidays are the same where ever you live. But a lot are different, like Mother's Day.

    So for the benefit of all what are the holidays your country or state/province celebrates?

    I have a list of Canda's public holidays but I don't have all the provincial holidays


    New Year's Day 1-Jan

    Nunavut Day 1-Apr Nunavut

    Good Friday Variable

    Easter Monday Variable

    Victoria Day 21-May

    Saint-Jean Baptiste Day Province of Québec

    Discovery Day 25-Jun Newfoundland and Labrador

    Canada Day 1-Jul

    Civic Holiday First Monday in August Most of Canada

    Discovery Day 20-Aug Yukon Territory

    Labour Day First Monday in September

    Thanksgiving Day Second Monday in October

    Remembrance Day 11-Nov

    Christmas Day 25-Dec

    Boxing Day 26-Dec

    Add your own to the list

  • mama1119

    MY FAVORITE--INDEPENDENCE DAY JULY 4th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Well, not a 'Holiday', but I LOVE Bonfire/Guy Fawkes Night (5th November)

  • Scully

    In Canada:

    • Mother's Day is always observed on the second Sunday of May.
    • Father's Day is always observed on the third Sunday of June.
    • Grandparents' Day is observed (but it's not as big a holiday as Mother's Day or Father's Day) on the first Sunday after Labor Day.
    • The August Civic Holiday is NOT observed in Quebec (in favor of the June 24th St-Jean Baptiste Day).
    • Most of Canada observes November 11 as a statutory holiday, except for Quebec (although it is a banking holiday and a public service employee holiday, most businesses operate as usual).
  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Thanks Scully

    I know there are others but my brain is in slow gear today

  • I quit!
    I quit!
    Nunavut Day 1-Apr Nunavut

    I never heard of this holiday. What is it for?

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Let's not forget us in California.... Cesar Chavez Day (spring) State Holiday for the undocumented farmworkers

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Canada used to have 10 provinces and two Territories Yukon and Northwest Territories.

    Nunavut -- "our land" in the Inuktitut language - has been home to Inuit for millennia and part of Canada for more than a century. Embracing both traditional knowledge and values and the new opportunities presented by technologies like the Internet, the Government of Nunavut now provides a wide range of services tailored to the unique needs of approximately 29,500 residents.

    Nunavut is the largest and newest of the territories of Canada; it was separated officially from the vast Northwest Territories on April 1, 1999 The holiday celebrates their new status

  • Scully

    Oh and another thing regarding Canada Day (July 1):

    If the holiday falls on a Sunday (like it will next year) the statutory holiday is observed on July 2. <~~ cool chart here

  • parakeet

    Love Halloween. I always decorate the front porch with carved pumpkins, suspended black bats, fake spiders everywhere, a crystal ball, string lights, a witch's broomstick, Indian corn. Then I dress up as a witch and hand candy out to the 60 to 80 costumed kids that hobgoblin their way through our neighborhood during Trick or Treat night. Great fun.

    I don't know if this particular tradition exists elsewhere, but in Pennsylvania Dutch country, on Fastnacht day, the day before Ash Wednesday, the local markets sell a type of heavy doughnut that's traditionally dipped in molasses when eaten. The idea is to use up all the fat and sugar in the house in preparation for the Lenten fast.

    Another Pennsylvania holiday is Groundhog Day, Feb. 2, when Punxatawny Phil comes out of his groundhog hole at Gobbler's Knob, PA, to check out the weather. If he sees his shadow, 6 more weeks of winter. If he doesn't, then we'll have an early spring. I think Phil's correct about 50% of the time, about the same average as the national weather service.

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