ex-JW's : Would you go to war?

by Jim Lad 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Naeblis

    Even when I was a witness I had decided that if the time came for it I would enlist. Call me a political pawn if you like, call me naive or stupid, but I feel that it is an obligation to defend the country that you live in. Flame away.

  • gumby

    Jesus said: No greater love does one have than to lay down his life for his fellowman.
    No christian in his sane mind wants to kill anyone. if someone broke into your home and was about to kill your family would you passively let them? What would be the difference if a madcrazed bunch of religious zelots wants to kill thousands of people in our country?
    The apostles and diciples carried swords to protect invaders who would threaten them. Is it more proper to let others do the protecting for you and then you stand back and say "YEA!
    I would have a very hard time wanting to go fight myself...but I can't say what I would do untill called upon.

  • mike047

    Naeblis; Well spoken. NO flame here. I would also Go in a
    Heartbeat. Been there, done that.

  • StifflersErSlayersBrother

    If they re-enabled the Draft, I would definatly go kick some commie ass rather than goto jail! Those commie pigs will die! or something like that

  • Dogpatch

    I have an article on Christians and war at:

    My sympathies to all those grieving over New York. A small city of people just died. This file may change your mind on pacifism.

  • COMF

    I came of age during the Vietnam war. I was not a JW then, but in my mind I couldn't justify going to fight there. I would have tried for conscientious objector status, had the necessity arisen. It didn't. For three years I was eligible for the draft. They didn't call me, and I didn't volunteer.

    Since then, I've never had to consider the possibility of fighting in a war.

    Now, I can tell you this: I will defend what's mine. And I'm quite capable of killing another person who threatens me or mine. I would go to fight against armies invading my country. Whether I would be willing to leave my country to fight on foreign soil would depend on how convinced I was that such action was truly a necessary defense of what is mine.


    Edited to add this PS:
    When I say "my country," I don't mean that I am patriotic to the United States simply because it is the United States. I mean that something threatens my home, and I will fight to protect my home.

  • Jim Lad
    Jim Lad

    alliwannadoislive : Actually, he's not in the "truth" anymore either.

    Thanks Randy, I will read the article again more carefully.

    Time to watch the news...

  • puppylove

    I would go to war.

  • buffalosrfree

    Been there and done that, 20+ years in the military, multiple tours in Vietnam, Yes I would go again, I think at times i'm reverting back to my feeling and outlook of my early years. No mercy, kill em, stomp em, People that laugh at the death of innocents need no mercy either.
    I'm afraid I'm too old, but if asked would go again, gets the ole juices flowing so to speak. buff

  • YHWHWho

    I would not hesitate to go to war. In the past I often complained about how the United States was always, in my adolescent way of thinking, "Policing the World". What I came to realize is that my country has been able to protect freedom for all Americans. Now the very freedom I cherish, although taken for granted in the past, has been attacked in the very state I live in. I will defend this freedom on my street, in my town, in my county, in my state, in my country, in my world.

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