This is not about you!

by Sparkplug 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug


    OMFG! You have indexed my stupidity. You can find the facts quicker than I can remember

    (can't forget the annoying psychological impact of creative highlighting and liberal red texting)

    I laughed I snorted I will be the bigger person and forgive your ignorance of the state of my shell shocked mind. Your oversight as to the trama I have been thru with all of the psychic vampires that intentionally mispell, misquote and overuse the 72 Red Bold FONT! Oh and dont pick on me for triple dotting everything. I am sensitive. You abuser!

    Choke on what exactly?
  • Sparkplug

    Hey AA..Dave.

    Now you bow out of the conversation. Are you trying to cross reference on the popes hat?

    HEY? Where is Sixy? Did he use up his 25 post again? When will someone give that boy back his post? I want to fight.

    Aw well maybe you shouldn't. He would not win anyways...

    Say where is FHN when you need her to distract the vicious beasts with her womanly ways?

  • AuldSoul
    I am not bad, I am just drawn that way.

    So anyway, to make a long story short, that's when I became a furry.

    THERE IS NO RIVER IN GREECE THAT RESTORES VIRGINITY!!! Only Liberals or very poorly educated white-trash trailer-park denizens from inbred descent would believe something as STUPID as that. Afik, anyway, but I could be wrong. It is just my opinion, after all, and who are you to say I CAN'T eat nicely seasoned kitten-kabobs on my days off? There's no law against it; I know for sure 'cause I read the whole thing unless Eduardo says otherwise.

    And why were you slamming childhoods? Almost everyone posting here had one. For you to act that way about it must mean you are insensitive and cruel. Besides, if you are still supposedly a JW aren't you being a hypocrite by even POSTING here? The Governing Body says a lot of things and nobody follows all of it so you must be the devil for coming to preach to us apostates, even though THE WTS ARE THE REAL APOSTATES!!!!

    There were only five of them, you know, not the bigger number they said before. The only reason someone would think otherwise is if they have been listening to the wrong radio shows or watching the wrong news channels. Of course, EVERY American is stupid because they don't know what the rest of the world thinks about anything since they are tuned in to FOX "News" and everybody with more than two brain cells to rub together knows the BBC has all the right answers because they are not corporate funded so they must be telling the truth.

    This is so damn much fun! Thanks for this thread, Sparks.

  • AuldSoul

    [muses to self]

    Choke on what exactly?

    ***hmm...methinks she's more fun when she's liquored up***

  • Sparkplug

    OMG OMG OMG STOP! I said it three...count it? Three times for emphasis! So the bible showed us her in Loosbowlsofsh*t 14 vers 16. Again that is 14:16. And here it reads...

    I am laughing so hard I woke up the mackaw. Parrot Bird thing. Dont question me just believe. Faith alone should tell you I know what I am talking about.

    ***hmm...methinks she's more fun when she's liquored up***

    What did Simon Say about posting private PM's? He said and I quote: Do not post the PM's. Do not Post the PM's. Do not Post the PM's Do not post the PM's. Do not Post the PM's. Do not Post the PM's . Thus by saying it six times we can tell it is an imperfect post. It was not of the heaveanly class and we all know heavenly manna comes in the form of SEVEN! SEVEN! SEVEN! So put that in the crown of thorns you republican commi Basturd's PIE hole's that you use for brains! Note the disrespect for your title by the intentional lower case letters used when writing the foul, foul, foul title to your dog vomit group! Return there oh Jescrewsapup! I say get down....lower ...and liquored! Mind the gap! Amen!!

  • AuldSoul

    Well, since no one else is helping out I have to yield the floor. I would need to have Tourettes to follow that last post and do it justice.

    My eyelids grow heavy as does my diaper and so I shall have to say nighty-night!

  • Sparkplug
    THERE IS NO RIVER IN GREECE THAT RESTORES VIRGINITY!!! Only Liberals or very poorly educated white-trash trailer-park denizens from inbred descent would believe something as STUPID as that

    Holy Cow Batman! I think it is only the honorable thing to do and let you know that I intentionally played along past this line just to let the audience have a lesser opinion of your fighting skills. You know you won with this line, but it is by my kindess to you that I spared you the outright flaunting of skillsets by intentionally making it look like you won. I by no means am saying I am a lesser person in letting it be to your credit that I helped you appear to have not won. I am TRULY BIG THAT WAY!! And I dont like to brag... so stop asking me things that dramatize my most innocent intentions. It makes me appear larger than life and I hate that!

    I am as real as it comes BaBee! And I coming thru loud and clear tonight.

    Now, I have to go to bed! Alone...Just me and my five separate entities called fingers. Separate but equal in gods eyes. But if you bind them when they are young they will grow breast like towers and some young man will have to climb over that dang Solomon wall just to lick liquer. Sorry about the unintentional typos. I don't want to tramatize you!!

    Night my toe headed old sow fashist son of a baby moose!

    ((((freinds hug)))

    (((hug me you f****)))


    ((((((HARDER PONDSCUM!)))))))))))

  • Sparkplug

    And the rest of you...

    Who the heck reads a thread 110 times at this point and does not post?

    Help out these poor little socially stunted kids. Do it because it is the right thing to do!

    (((((((NIGHT YA'LL))))))

  • AlmostAtheist

    Sparky, I could see I was in the presence of my intellectual betters, so the only way I could get out with my pride intact was to bow out gracefully. That, and I had to.. um... leave. (My probation officer gets all antsy when he calls the half-way house and I'm not there)

    But now that I've gotten some rest (and you're asleep and unable to defend yourself), let me take a few shots.

    Oh, so now it is my fault.

    Was there a point at which this wasn't your fault? Did I miss that?

    I am the one projecting motives to others.

    Yes, you are. And don't think I don't know why!

    You know what? This may be a bit above your head.

    Oh.. oh, yeah? Well, ... you'd like to think that, wouldn't you?

    Come back and fight when you have more education

    Listen Honey, I read the Awake for 20 damn years. I've got the equivalent of 2 doctorates now, not to mention Pioneer School. And I've read the Creation book like 10 times. So don't even TALK to me about edukashun.

    and don't you snivel either, this is after all only a discussion!

    I know that. I'm only stating my views in an even manner, presenting an opinion that you are free to foolishly disagree with or wisely accept without question. It is entirely up to you, and I would never judge you for making the crazy, irrational decision to disagree with me.

    You are taking it personal.

    That's ridiculous. I'm not taking it personal. Not at ALL. (poopy brain)

    You don't see me insulting you. It is your perception that is askew!

    I've gotten into the nasty habit of basing my views on reality. Where do you derive yours from? Maybe that's why we're having trouble seeing eye to eye here... No insult intended, of course.

    Perhaps your rough childhood made you unable to handle a normal conversation.

    Oh, and now we toss in a little ad hominem just to make sure the logic police are paying attention! That's lovely, Sparky, just beautiful.

    I gotta admit, I'd had a bit to drink last night, and I can't really recall what it was we were "discussing". But I'm quite certain you were wrong on several points, and using fallacious logic on some others. I'm sure you had a few spot-on points, though.

    I'll give you 20 minutes or so to reply. If I don't hear from you, I'll declare myself the winner.


  • LittleToe

    Fellacious logic isn't all bad

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