Ok I may be in the minority(not for the first time), but I think once again the Society is doing a double-speak dance, but not in the direction most of you seem to be taking it. Here's what I mean.
I think for years they have been secretly waiting for the invention of some kind artificial blood or substitute blood, something that would get them out of the corner they painted themselves into with their silly blood policy. For them the best thing that could happen would be a blood substitute that would make their "Scripturally based" prohibition on blood moot. I think they thought that by now either there would be a blood substitute or the end would be here.
Of course, this has not happened yet. And in the meantime, they also have realized the potential legal liability they would face if they were to simply drop the ban on blood. Gary mentioned how they dropped the ban on organ donations without much fuss, those were simpler times, with fewer lawyers. So we see how in recent years while they relax some of the blood rules, they continue to defend the doctrine on grounds of religious freedom.
I think that with this new Awake article, its a cover, they don't want to appear to eager to accept this, thus the rumblings about meditating, conscience, blah blah. In the real world, HLCs will be saying YES!!! take it!!! its ok!!! As one HLC member told a family member of mine: "Its a conscience matter, that means its ok to take it!"
Of course, I assume the guys at the top are rational. Sneaky, but rational. If they are really seriously off their rockers, then yes, it could be that peope will be DFd/DAd for accepting these products.
No Apologies