Were you allowed to take sex education in school, when raised a JW?

by free2beme 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bstndance

    We had sex-ed starting in 5th grade back we everything was in one class (didn't start switching till 6th grade). I don't recall there ever being a permission slip. It was mostly about all the STDs you can get and not much about getting pregs. Then the same thing was repeating each time with more detail all the way through school. They never did those "How To Put A Condom On" classes that you hear about, but maybe it was because if you were too dumb to figure it out you shouldn't have sex.

  • LDH

    Hell no.

    Any other questions?

    Oh tampons, you ask?

    Of course not.

    One would technically NOT be a virgin after use of said demonic devices.

  • moanzy

    Ya right!!!! Why would you need sex ed when you are NOT going to have sex till your married. My mom tried to talk about sex when I was 19 and already dating. By that time I pretty much knew what was going on/in whatever the case.


  • Fangorn

    Oh yeah baby, did I get educated or what!

  • damselfly

    I don't rememeber there being a permission slip for sex ed. We had it at various times thruout the school years of 6,7 & 8. Then I was pulled out of school so I'm not sure what they all got after that.
    The school district in my area is quite progressive in their attempts at sex ed and have produced a thick booklet to give to the kids starting in grade 5 or 6 that is very thorough. Parents do have to sign a permission slip to allow their kids to bring it home but its available in the school libraries to read if the parents refuse to sign the slip.


  • darcy

    yeah i've had that class twice, in seventh and ninth. Funny cause here it was never a big deal. Maybe it wasn't cause I was one of the very very few in public schools, and the only one in the middle or high when that took place...

    I think i only freaked out when in ninth the coach (a perv) showed a video with closeups of diseased penises. What made me angry was he didn't tell us there was going to be some nasty dripping clip of somebody with gonorrhea on the screen, and being a jerk like I can be, I reported him and got him suspended for two weeks. a.k.a let the class know when there's nasty shit like that in a video. I still wouldn't want to see something like that to this day.

  • free2beme

    I also remember being in a book study once and a older woman mentioned how she "knew" the sex education classes in school were encouraging young people to have sex out of wedlock. I was disgusted as so many people in the room nodded their head in agreement. My sex education class was more about how the human body works and my teacher did not however teach abstinence. She stated it this way/

    "I encourage you to not have sex until you are married, and yet I am realistic enough to know that seems like nonsense to you right now. So instead I encourage you to be safe, smart and have a good life without having that one night of passion become the changing point to your whole life with unwanted pregnancy or a STD"

    I remember this, as I always liked this lady. She was a mother of a girl in our school and I think they had her teach this class, as she was very realistic and in some cases "very open" with her topics. I am sure if the school heard some of our discussions, they might have not allowed them to continue. Taught us a lot about responsibility though. As a side note, my funniest portrayal of any sex education event in a movie, would have to be the one in "Never Been Kissed", when Molly Shannon teaches the class.

  • stillAwitness
    What I got from my mom was "do you understand what your responsibilities to your husband are?" a couple days before I got married.

    Are you serious! Oh man! I remember asking my mom what the heck masturbation was when I was 13 after reading the chapter on it in the YPA book (of course that did not help) So she pulled out every single bond volume and Index she could find on the subject, did a bunch of underlining and told me to read. Of course I still did not get it so she finally gave in and just told me. DUH! She would of saved herself some time.

    I had sex ed in 4th and 5th grade and had to leave the class in 4th cause I was dumb enough to show the letter to my mom. By 5th grade I knew better but did not really learn about the birds and the bees till i was in 7th. Yup, at the ripe ol age of 14

  • greendawn

    We never had this sort of education at school but from what I hear I have the impression their approach to sex education is too physical since they don't really look at the emotional side of sex and relationships.

  • Frog

    wasn't allowed to go to the sex-ed classes in highschool, all the witness kids were routinely asked to leave the classroom and go read in the library, it was so humiliating and a load of bollocks...if only i had of been to those classes, i might've learned some things that would've made life easier, things that teach a kid to take care of themselves, and to respect their bodies. it's a fact of life, an jw parents and WT leaders are clearly in denial, and it's the kids at the end of the day that suffer the consequences.

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