so churchgoers live "how they please , waiting to go to heaven" ? that sentence would have been offensive to me even as a witness.
because even as a witness, i seen the good works a lot of non witness people do. i was helped by a catholic church when i was in need. no help from the witnesses ever was even offered.. even though the elders of the congregation i attended ALL MY LIFE knew i was living without heat and struggling to live on a part time job minimum wage. ( less than 400 dollars a month) after i started living in another town and have come to see how much effort volunteers of CHURCHGOERS helps a lot of people i see how worthless 10 hours a month volunteering to place watchtowers is. by their works you will know them i guess.
this just irritates me and fires up my old anger all over again.
wish i was a good writer..i'd write an article " What Jehovah's Witnesses REALLY think about their neighbors"