Why did God create mosquitoes?

by JH 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • spoils_useful_habits

    HE created them so he'd have a way to spread pestilences in the "last days" and to ruin our picnics, lol

  • eyeslice

    To make us dither whether we shuld take ant-malarial tablets when travel to exoctic places on holiday.

  • Fleshybirdfodder

    So that every time we swat one dead we are reminded about the evils of practicing oral sex.

  • Poztate

    God created mosquitoes to be much like hummingbirds and suck the nectar from flowers. Alas when mankind fell from god's favour the poor sap sucking mosquitoe fell into imperfection. He is nothing more than a tool of satan now but when the thousand years are up his sap sucking power will be fully restored.

    P.S. No swatting them during the thousand years.God might find you blood guilty and have to kill you

  • ballistic

    What months of the year are there mosquitoes in the US? Do you need repelent? Can you lay on beaches in Florida without any problem in July?

  • under_believer

    Because he's a dick? I dunno.

  • Rabbit
    There were about 775 mosquitoes around me

    Well, if you were aor a Purple Martin or many other species of birds, amphibians or fishes -- you would be full, fat & happy. And since birds are one of the primary 'seeding' machines, they more than any other species are responsible for introducing new flora across the earth.

    Too bad they love us so much tho' ! They love me, but, oddly they do not bother Mzz. Rabbit...she says they never have. I tell her she should leave her body to science and do mankind a favor...let them figure out why.


  • Snoozy

    Ballistic....We have them now in the midwest. I just heard on the news that they found the West Nile virus in the mosquitoes in our area.Once they find them they no longer test that area..

    Just a matter of time before the numbers start coming in for human's having it.

    They hardly ever bite me. I guess my blood isn't rich enough. I usually have a Vitamin K defiencency.

    Probably taste like watered down blood..

    But they are a buzzing..have been for about a month.

    I think the mosquitoes were invented to "Bug Us"!..


  • ballistic
    Ballistic....We have them now in the midwest. I just heard on the news that they found the West Nile virus in the mosquitoes in our area.

    I wont have any imunity to these creatures, but I asked my doctor today and apparently I don't need any jabs before I leave for there.

  • PrimateDave

    LOL @ JH & kls!!

    God owns shares in the major American corporations that produce insect repellant and mosquito netting.
    And it could also be that he simply enjoys things that make irritating noises and disturb people on Saturday mornings while they are working in their yards.

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