how would you respond

by besty 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • unique1

    Welcome Besty. Your response was perfect.

  • garybuss

    I've always liked to know how the cards were laying, so I'll call all bets and I'll challenge each and every threat. If you threaten me, you better plan on following through. If you threaten me, and you don't follow through, I might come to your house and knock on your door late some evening and ask your ass some questions.

    If the best you can do is shun me, have at it. Just remember it's for life. Jehovah's Witnesses don't scare me. I've taken everything those candy asses could throw at me and none of it has been any problem. I've had to re write my will a couple times. :-)

    Jehovah's Witnesses who have shunned me or anyone important to me, are my enemies for life. They are not welcome within 100 miles of me or my family.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi besty, and welcome to the board. You gave the perfect response, give it again if thet ask the same question

  • Legolas

    Welcome to the board!

  • lilybird

    Hi besty.. welcome to the board..Its always good when you have control as far as dealing with the elders.Its good to hear you know how to keep the control right now..The elders seem lost when Dubs don't answer them like good minded controlled Dubs should..Just another reason why this forum is so helpful to everyone..It helped you know how to deal with a situation like that.

  • Hellrider

    Welcome besty.

    I use that one ("impossible to know") for everything, btw. My gf goes: "Have you taken out the garbage, like I asked you?". I reply "impossible to know tsk tsk tsk", and just shake my head...

  • delilah

    Welcome said the right thing. Personally, I don't want to give them any more ammo than they need. My life has been very nice, and QUIET, without them snooping 'round asking questions that are none of their business.

  • serendipity

    Hi besty and welcome!

  • Honesty

    Hi Besty!!!

    Maintain control.

    If things get sticky just tell them that you quit and will sue each one of them individually if they make any announcement that gets you shunned by your family.

    They are too chickensh*t to test you.

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