Overheard at Special Assembly Day

by under_believer 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • under_believer

    At our "Special Assembly Day," they interviewed an elderly "sister" in her 70's. She is the wife of a longtime circuit overseer who is of a similar age, but in very poor health. A couple years ago he retired into our circuit and is being entirely supported by contributions from people in our circuit, living in one of those connected-to-the-KH apartment arrangements. He and his wife have no means of support other than the generosity of others. This CO is oldschool and has some very conservative opinions, but is held in high regard by many in the circuit and is generally beloved.

    But I digress--back to the interview. They asked her a lot of questions, but a couple really stood out to me:

    Q: Sister Dessicated, what signs do you see that convince you that we're living deep in the time of the end?

    A: Oh, Brother Bombastic, there are two things, really. The first thing is the fulfillment of Bible Prophecy. There isn't a nation, a family, a person on this earth that isn't being directly and personally affected by the fulfillment of Bible Prophecy. [note: this is all she said. She didn't give any examples, just made threw out that statment by itself.] The second thing that convinces me is all the changes that the Society has made over the last few years. This would not be happening if we weren't in the time of the end. A good example of this is the "Given Ones" who are assisting the Governing Body.

    Q: What recommendation or advice do you have for the brothers and sisters?

    A: They should all go into a life of full time service to Jehovah's Organization. That is a happy, meaningful life.

    So, yeah. I don't want to be mean or anything, but the only reason she is able to live happily and independently in her life of full time service is because many many brothers and sisters chose not to go into full time service, but instead have visible means of material support, enough to share with her. In the meantime they get to look at her "good example" and feel guilty that they aren't spiritual enough.

    The other thing that blew my mind is that the reason she believes we're in the time of the end is ALL THE CHANGES FROM/AT THE SOCIETY! The very thing that weakens many people's faith is what strengthens hers. It's like "Oceana is at war with Eastasia. Oceana has always been at war with Eastasia." Doublethink at its finest. And this wouldn't even be that big of a deal for me, I could write it off as just one batty old lady's opinions, except that the other speakers on the program referred back to her comments three or four other times to support the notion that we're "deep, deep in the time of the end."

  • wednesday

    we are going to be supporting all those older bethelites that are getting their walking paper too.. watch and see.

  • LDH
    A good example of this is the "Given Ones" who are assisting the Governing Body.

    sound bite. no merit.

    I love your "overheard" series. Keep 'em coming.

    we are going to be supporting all those older ; bethelites that are getting their walking paper too
    As they say in the south, "Who is WE? You must have a frog in your pocket." <in other words, don't include "me" in your "we">
  • jambon1

    The bit about pioneering always got to me. They would sit and judge all us losers for not pioneering and yet be willing to take of our surplus when offered. Hmmmmm

  • daniel-p

    The odd thing is how they keep pushing pioneering, when they know the increase is coming from new births and kids being raised in the "truth." I guess they figure if people are going to have kids theyre going to have kids. I actually had a theory about that a while back: the reason they are discouraging education is twofold - people learn that the WTS, the Bible, or religion altogether are full of crap, and also because education of women is the single biggest factor in a lower birth rate. As long as these girls stay at or below the highschool level, they'll pump twice as many kids out over their lifetime, or at least above the 2 required to replace a couple.

  • eyeslice

    This interview is oft repeated at assemblies throughout the JW world.
    It is so easy to make unsubstantiated statements that the rank and file never even stop to question. The truth is that althought it is true that probably everyone in the world struggles with some problem or another, these have nothing to do with living in the time of the end and certainly the good news is being preached to anywhere near all the people in the world so that they could put 2 and 2 together and realise that their problems are due to being in the time of the end.

  • itsallgoodnow

    Poor old lady. I guess some people will never let go. What are you gonna do?

  • penny2

    She'll die "old and satisfied with days".

    (Gen 35:29)

    She'll be mourned, but her funeral will be the same as any other in the KH.

  • dozy

    I suspect that the CO himself would probably not put as positive a slant on the WTS changes as evidence of God's backing. The CO's wife see the "black box" - the CO has direct experience of the cogs moving inside. Many (in private) are very candid about the workings of the Org.

  • Dismembered

    Greetings under_believer

    Thanks for bringing us up to speed and reminding us that nothing's changed at those "special-one-day" assemblies. As always they'll attempt to re-enforce Watchtowers, we're in the last days routine, with seasoned "heavy weights" such as that retired, CO's wife. There the audience no doubt, was prefaced with all of the "theocratic accomplishments" she's performed in her life (although as you mentioned, now @ the mercy of the kindne$$ of others) And more than likely, read her scripted answers from a scratch pad or cocktail napkin, in which she cannot be challenged by anyone in the audience.

    Same ole Same ole How much time is left before we get to go eat?


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