Convention Report - Deliverance At Hand?

by daniel-p 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • BizzyBee

    Heh, one thing in particular that gave me the giggles, was to go in the bathroom stall, and when something particulary rousing was said by the speaker and came through the speakers above the stalls, I would say "praise Jehoover!" in a old man's voice. I thought I heard some guffaws a couple of times.

    You are cracking me up! I love it! Thank you so much for doing I didn't have to.........

    Seriously, sometimes I think I'd like to be a witness again for about 12 minutes to jerk a few chains........then I think, NAHHHH...........23 years was enough.........

  • LDH
    They issued a new 192 page book

    Of course they did. They're a publishing company.

    Perish the thought that they introduced a program for charity or do something nice for their own members!


  • Shock-57

    Comment: One of the things bringing the "Deliverance At Hand" is the deception the "Bush" Administration is trying to put on people in this Country, consider the below...... "More War causes more War [escalation], less War causes less War... [More Airstrikes, bombing and weapons sales to other countries is more War] Which one will cause peace? More or Less?" Their is no way any country can make an attempt at peace unless they reverse their course.... [Airstrikes, bombing and weapons sales are not peaceful] Another thing that is affecting the country is the "Illegal aliens"... comming in at the border not only is it a Security problem it is also un-constitutional. [Peace and Securuty!!] Guess who is helping the Illegals? Catholics "father mahony". I think a person would be wise to pay attention to what the "Witness's" have to say, it could help protect a person from involvment with this system which is in the process of "Transformation". I have this comment about a preacher I seen on TV. A person doesnt [recieve jesus] by asking and expecting him to come down out of thin air into him, the person "recieves jesus" by recieving his teachings [the words he spoke] and then exercises faith by practicing what he has recieved". Best Regards.

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