strange prayers!!!

by siy 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • siy

    ok iv not been on for so long. so hi

    ok what are some of the strangest prayers you said amen to. not the hole preyer but some stuff you thought at the time

    but still said amen............

  • IP_SEC

    I dont remember any especially strange prayers.

    We used to have one brother that would say "and thank you for everything" after each sentence. Another would say the word jehovah a half a million times during the prayer. Both idiosynchs I think were due to being nervous.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Several years ago we had a brother who was one of the "anointed", at least he said he was. He was also a pioneer, although he always went out by himself. This fellow had some very strange ideas, so the brothers never gave him a part on the meeting beyond an occasional talk in the ministry school. Once in a great while he would be asked to offer prayer.

    Well this guy had gone on one of the international tours a couple of months earlier. He had asked for a part on the service meeting program to tell about his experiences but did not get his request. So when asked to deliver the prayer, he went into a long, long, long, long story about all the countries that he visited and his experiences at each one of the conventions that he had attended. I know his prayer lasted at least ten minutes.

    I listened to my father's prayer at a mealtime about four years ago. My father proceeded to bring up a statement in his prayer about people who state that Jehovah's name is not in the Greek Scriptures. I know he had to be referring to my husband who had earlier told him that Jehovah's name was not in the original Greek writings. He was trying to counsel my husband through me hoping that I would convey the message.


  • freetosee

    To me it was always strange when some elders quoted scriptures to Jehovah in their lengthy prayers at the meetings, it often sounded like giving a sermon to God. At times the collective Amen after some prayers was significantly more silent and not as heartfelt -but we all said Amen so as not to stumble visitors I guess.


  • streets76

    About 30 years ago there was an elder (now dead) in our congreation who was offering the prayer at a circuit assembly. It was after the song just prior to the introduction to the featured public speaker. He was supposed to do the prayer, then introduce the speaker. But towards the end of the prayer he just started into the introduction, as if he were praying the introduction. At the end, instead of saying "amen," he said something like, "and now let's give a warm welcome and our undivided attention to Brother So-and-so." The whole place was like WTF?

    We later found out that he had a long time drinking problem, but was able to hide it somehow. You never smelled alcohol on him, so whenever he did or said something weird, everybody just assumed it was because of his age. A very sad case. Spent his whole adult life a JW, only to be DF'd for alcoholism in his mid 70s. He got back in before he died, but all I can think is, what a waste. The other brothers weren't very kind to him or sympathetic to his problem

  • eyeslice

    I have come to think that witness prayers are strange.
    I have notice that some used the name Jehovah at the start of every sentence!
    Also, could never quite understand why in public prayers forgiveness for our sins was mentioned so often, surely this is a personal matter. And finally the thing that got my goat the most, praying for our brothers and sisters undergoing presecution, as if God does not want to know about the millions of people worldwide who look to him for guidance. What an arrogant lot they are (we were?).

  • freetosee

    I just remembered, we had a couple of brother who spoke looong prayers, one of them was very bad. As this brother was well into his prayer to close the meeting a young girl needed desperately to go to the restroom. So in the middle of the prayer she loudly said: “AMEN!” and walked off. Others automatically said Amen but realized the prayer was not finished (so they got caught not listening), you could also hear giggles and laughter. The brother came down the platform with a red face.

    I didn’t always listen to the prayers myself and often only got as far as “Our father in the heavens Jehovah, humbly we bow our heads before your throne of undeserved kindness… …bla, bla, bla … …and we bring this prayer before you through your Son our King who died for us Jesus Christ Amen”.


  • What-A-Coincidence

    one newboy elder in our hall (straight up company man) always ends, "and we offer this prayer based on christ's blood" another pub and another elder at different times told me that it should conclude "in the name of J.C." ... he still says "based on the blood and merits of Christ's blood". dumb company man!

  • moanzy

    My step-dad was from Quebec and spoke French fluently so he often said the prayer at home in french. I have no idea what his prayers were about, but said amen anyway.

    Some of the long winded brothers at the hall use to make me mad with their looong prayers. I couldn't keep my eyes closed for too long without losing my balance. Then at assemblies it was even worse because there was nothing to hang onto. Those old biddies that would give you a dirty look if you had your eyes open made you feel like you were so disrespectful.

    Other than that I can't remember any really strange prayers just stupid ones.


  • Scully
    Those old biddies that would give you a dirty look if you had your eyes open made you feel like you were so disrespectful.

    I wonder if the dirty look was because they caught you with your eyes open, or if they just wanted you to feel bad so you wouldn't notice that they had their eyes open too.

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